You actually don't get to be an elitist if you haven't seen The Wire. You are really just describing someone without HBO at this point.
You actually don't get to be an elitist if you haven't seen The Wire. You are really just describing someone without HBO at this point.
I dunno… I feel like bubblegum pop is better now than it was when I was growing up. I had Brittany Spears and NSYNC. These kids at least have Sia and folk rock pastiche bullshit. Hell Beyonce is more artistically ambitious R&B diva than what I had. Kendrick Lamar a more interesting mainstream rapper than what I had.
I think the Techno/Rap thing is about 30% of modern rap music weirdly. Unlesss we're being really specific about what "techno" is
Umm… I have… and it's been featured on this site more than once?
Oh totally
What WAS the idea?
I was gonna ask this too. Now that "the other site" is dead is there a grown up version of this site? I come here out of habit and I'm starting to look at forming new habits…
Jesus fucking christ who gives a shit internet? Does no one at the AV Club watch original content made by people on the internet? Like…. with all of the shit out there, these people can't point me to a cool web series or blog by someone with talent?
You know what that means? Some poor guy's dad is dead.
Of the two, I have always considered Cameron to be more likely to be a Fig Newton. Ferris is clearly a Chips Ahoy.
I heard the movie ends with them getting on a new robo-train and then snow starts to fall.
It's interesting. I find acting/directing to be a goddamn annoying chore, and always wonder why the fuck these guys bother with it - but then I remember it's the one thing they have to guarantee funding.
Better than a fucking guy who paints his face like a native american and wears another man's jersey as a sign of solidarity.
…or you know occasionally rioting.
If it's a mental illness, it's pretty fucked up for you to characterize them walking in a line with people of the same affliction disgusting. If it's a fetish, it's pretty fucked up to call that a mental illness.
Kanye is white America's new Maralyn Manson and his schtick is so strong that Slipknot falls for it.
As an artist, you don't necessarily have to "deal" with my oppinion on an AV Club article, but if you are taking a special interest in me - I would rather you give me $20 or something than consult a Magic player.
I'm not sure if you are explaining your point correctly here.
Damn this hit me twice. Well done.