
I hate to say this, but I must…

Man that song is pretty good tho

Why not their dad's? Do mom's really like Reflektor or something?

No worries, I was just kidding around. I feel you on the term "overrated" though.

What rating is the correct one?

Not really. I see what7 they were trying to do and why, but I felt like it was poorly executed, rushed and clumsy. Honestly, it was another symptom of the movie trying to be too many things.

Also we need to see Ned Stark wearing Jack's shitty fake beard.

I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't like the movie that much and don't think the moment in question was well handled… but it also wasn't so hard to parse how the writers got there. It's not Yates. (I think… I've never read Yates.)

I thought that was the case.

Wasn't the explanation of the cave just "It is a nexus of energy connected to the cosmos"

I'm gonna ask a really really dumb question….

You look forward to a show that is generally disliked most every week. No crime there.

He was pooping! It's in the background. You can see it @ minute 137

Cuz she was trained by evil foriegn assassins and he is an american soldier? Cuz she needed an arc that made her feel like she had her control taken away by the source of her strength like Hulk thematically to bring the characters closer and make her a slightly complicated and dynamic character with room to learn and

I'm sure that they'd be thrilled if I gave them all pizza.

Netrunner is pretty cool. It's assymetrical deck builder. You are either playing as a corporation - hiding data in a number of locations on the table or a runner with a fancy rig trying to hack into the corp's deck to steal cards. http://www.shutupandsitdown…

I dunno. Could be worse, some people watch dorky shows about dragons and zombies and shit in their spare time.

There is a pretty good GoT LCG which is like a CCG for people with shit to do,

Oh god… Yeah… Holy shit is that song elevator music
