
Yeah. Honestly 2x the Harpys and I would have felt better about it. Selmy showed up though. He looked great. Love that actor too.

Plot holes?

It's still a sitcom where a shitty guy gets paired up with a tsk-tsking woman who is stuck with him. They have shoock up the form but I don't agree that it's been horribly funny. It's mostly exhausting and annoying which is frustrating because it has promise. That's not nit picking. It's called not liking the show

Eh… In my life whenever someone (including my parents) said "Everyone is a little bisexual" it was never from a perspective of trendyness. More that you should just accept people and be open to things…. and I'm from Missouri. That was just misguided people.

I think that about 90% of American teenagers who are awkwardly be helpful would say either, "Yeah, I dunno. They say everyone is bi." or "I don't even care. My cousin is gay."

You should probably read a wiki on this. The Japanese were literally performing insane mad scientist experiments on innnocent people.

It's not like any of US would call her that. These comment sections are a bit too clever to resort to lazy and dismissive "jokes" that don't actually make anyone laugh.

I dunno. I'm hoping the tension and release will make the highs higher. Like, maybe it'll be the sort of thing that we'll all say we hate, but in another context we'd just like the film less? I dunno. That's my hope.

Your mileage may vary, but my Dad didn't refer to my mom as "the worst" and casually dismiss her convictions while engaging in a love triangle with both her and my sister Annie… and my dad is a peice of human shit too!

He is the Steven Soderberg of callsic musicians and I love him for his fancy flights.

I don't know know how THIS is the song that hurts someone's ears but whatever, it's only as dumb as every other Hatesong. A point is made in this article that made me realize that "Hatefilm" would be superior.

I suspect it's

I get it! Those fictional people are scum we laugh at and you are doing that! You even have a buttonhole for an avatar! this is better than an actual joke!

You fucking COULD make Star Wars for $5 million. Or I could.
Someone let me prove it.

It's so shitty and you aren't allowed to say you don't like it without a chorus of people going "WHAT!!??"

You said a false thing and used a true thing as evidence. Old people who watch CBS don't go fancy themselves as cinephiles and post comments on the internet. They have basically the same taste though…

Indeed. That movie is amazing.

I think the sticking point is that these are uaully critiques better aimed at other parts of the film. Acting, editing or whatever. Yet it's always "the character" that gets the blame.

I dunno that subtelty was something that Gone Girl was interested in accomplishing, nor is it an inherent virtue in good films.

I dunno. She is the only one who wrote something that made me reconsider my oppinion and change it. Which is a feat becauase I am a reall asshole.