
I upChuck from eating garbage.

Haha, I cringed a bit when I read that and hey, normally I'm ALL FOR storylines about incestous monkey rapists.

OtP, I think you need to sleep…. NOW…..

I'm thinking that he's probably an alum… Dep. US Marshall is going to have a bachelor's degree at least, and he would have wanted to get the hell out of Kentucky after working the mines.

What, can't anybody take a compliment?

Best line of the night though, "Can you keep it down? I didn't order assholes with my whiskey."

He is the Kurigan to Connery's McCleod.

Crank calling James Ellroy
I don't even know how one would begin to make that call, he's the one person that's sure to out-weird you once he picks up the phone. And it's not like a cock joke is going to throw him off stride, when I went to one of his 'readings' for Blood's a Rover he talked about his schlong more

That show was GREAT. I wanted an orange Volvo for ages.

American Ninja is still the GREATEST.

I will say I AM looking forward to her trying to convince EVERY OTHER CHARACTER on the show that Casey is a bad'un… being that she's the ONLY one that is freaking clueless at this point.

I don't know, it seemed like he was kissing the collective ass of their liberal, anti-Bush image more than their ability to make viable music. So, their recent album often sounds like bad Cheryl Crow?

Well, the recent violence at the flash mob in Philly was certainly asking for a counter-attack. When I heard about it I was really hoping a couple of those POS kids would pull the wrong commuter out of his car and catch a couple rounds in the chest.

That wasn't a chick… Roman was on a furlough.

Shutup, turn around and eat your bigass buscuit.

It is an Anchorman quote. Put it at the top of your Netflix queue, it really is THAT funny.

In COLLEGE?? Shit, we'd watch Commando back to back, time and time again on rainy days in SECOND GRADE. Ah, being raised by TV violence…

You mean that "outrage" is still a thing?

Raylan's Ex…
… is a coniving bitch? After last night I don't trust her a BIT.

We need new pornos.