
Does anyone know where the pilot was filmed? I'd be curious if it was in PA, when I saw it the first thing I said was "Wow, east Kentucky and Greene County are damned similar", in other words, "Complete Shitholes".


Not only does Caeser cuss like a trucker, but he actually asked a question about the size of someone's tool? (I may have misread that part).

Even if you don't tell, they'll find out you have canceraids when you go for your physical before basic.

Are there any stations still showing Magnum in their sorta-regular rotation? I think it was on USA all the time my dorm-years of college and it was the best hungover television ever.

That WAS horrendous. Oh, and I like how she's now just rockin out whatever private pistol she had laying around the house since her duty weapon was SLICED IN HALF by the alien bad guy…

I don't know about ratings, but I heard one of the blithering idiot women that sits in a nearby cube RAVING about it in a positive light this morning.

I hope to God he doesn't change Motherless to the fifties!
That would be HORRENDOUS.

Some limey merc…
…is no replacement for Michael Ironsides. I mean come on, just because you say the guy is "former SAS" it doesn't give him the snarl or good old fashion "FUCK YOU, LIZARDS!" attitude that this show is going to sure as hell need if it's going to pull itself out of the shitbath it is in right now.

Wow, rife with bad spelling AND a double post.

Good god, and so begins the looooong season of painful, non-bearded Riker. TNG doesn't get good till they go back to Earth and start executing Starfleet High Command. Granted, they were being controlled by those little parasite thingies, but Picard and Riker DO execute their bosses…. now THAT is sci fi wish

Not true, Wasn't Tim Oliphant likened to the Duke in the review of the Justified pilot?


That was the best use of a Full Metal Jacket scene (outside of Full Metal Jacket) EVER! Having Cyril doing the Vince DiNafrio (however it's spelled) was great, I was just hoping that they would have R. Lee Ermy in the office for some reason…

Fail or not, B5 IS the tits. And his character was even more so.

Surge was AWESOME. Coke's Mt. Dew MUST be brought back!

Wayon's brother says….


Hopefully ALL of them. And their families, pets and neighbors.

BB: Two words Jeff: Babylon Five. Oh, another two, Suck It.