
But he was the only cool non-Summer Glau part of that Terminator show on Fox!

Or, barring that, Cobra.. I mean Ring, Commander.

He was a bit Pillsbury'd up in Get Smart too, so it doesn't look like a recent thing.

Well, that IS annoying too….

Does Uwe box regularly, or is he just a big dude, or what? Just reading about his insane ramblings he sounds like a guy that's going to throw some bigass Cpt. Kirk haymakers at you and hope to land something… in other words, a JOY to fight againt.

It's 'pop' in Pittsburgh as well, I actually thought we were one of the only ones to call it that.


Well, at least from that episode where they blow up the guy's head at Starfeet Command… TNG is sorta sucktastic before that episode brings out the ownage.

There's a Carol in every office, unfortunately most of them aren't as hot.

I'm still hoping the equation "shotgun+own mouth=success!!" came into play.

The younger Shaara's two books on the Rev War were pretty fun if I remember correctly, and I THINK he did a couple of books on the French and Indian War (which would be exceedingly cool).


And Shasta!

Other long-spanning series?
Offhand, Andrew Vachss' "Burke" novels come to mind, I think he's written around fifteen or sixteen of them, most of which have been at least somewhat rewarding (although the last couple have been pretty weak and I haven't read the capper yet).

"Space ship as apple store"… good call there, that was always sitting in the back of my mind but couldn't place it!

I could stand to hear some more…


I'll be back.

I THINK I remember bits and pieces of this show, did the main character pilot a flying boat ala Baloo from Tail Spin? I've tried to figure out what the show was for AGES, but no one I talk to seems to remember it. Well, the fact that all I remember is a flying boat doesn't help, but still…

And that's the way it should be. Go Tiger, we still love'ya. Now chug some Gatoraide and slam some high priced hookers. Gotta have SOMETHING to keep you busy on the road.