
Aren't transplant organs usually in some sort of sterile bag within the cooler, and not just resting directly in the ice? I'd be hesitant to eat a burger that had been transported with that casual an attitude toward bacterial contamination, much less have an organ transplanted into me.

Count your blessings. You could have been assigned to watch The Following.

That would at least make more sense than giant beetles that can fart projectiles that travel faster-than-light.

I'd hesitate to use the term "bad guys" to the extent that it implies the Bugs are sympathetic somehow. Otherwise I"m fully on board with you.

Also note that all the events on the ship are effectively being told from the point of view of Rose — a teenage girl at the time. Eighty-five year-old memories are bound to be more symbolic than literal under the best of circumstances, and given the circumstances of their breakup, she's unlikely to have especially

And I think he earned the chance for some posturing more surely than any Oscar winner of my memory.

And here I had to make my own with Audacity for free like a sucker.

Audiences apparently loved it in 1933, given that it won Best Picture. I wonder if there'd have been less of a kerfluffle over that Charlie Sheen-trapped-in-the-WTC-elevator movie if they'd just waited another five years to release it…

Good to know 27 years later. :)

Great story and thanks for the link.

Indeed. I have a friend who collects antique currency, and it's worth a lot more than face value if it's in at all decent condition.

Have that ready for repeated copypasting…

I remember having one of those painfully awkward dinner dates (not involving ass splinters, just the "weird discussion" part, with her essentially dismissing my every comment) that concluded with me cutting off the waiter's question about dessert to ask for the check, and my date's similarly upbeat "this was really

And if it implodes early, there's always Netflix.

That's what I thought from the headline, but I think "Dude made like six simultaneous dates in one night" is distinctly weirder.

I think there were survivors who expressly claimed that it did, but all of them were on boats that were a couple miles away at the time. One of the poetic license bits of the film is Rose actually being on the ship when it goes under, when I don't think any of those even particularly close to it at the time were

Impressive marksmanship.

I'm fine with most of the melodrama in context. The only thing I found a bit baffling was the David Warner-henchman hanging out in the cabin with Jack as the ship goes down — as if he knows how long the ship will take to sink, and that he'll have a lifeboat spot reserved when he gets back on deck. I mean, they don't

Surely that would have made it worthwhile…

Better than cigarettes as far as I'm concerned.