
MI-6's budgetary woes are sort of a theme of the movie, what with Felix having to take over bankrolling the poker plot.

Not exactly a villain, though.

I wish I could remember which reviewer observed that Moore's bedroom scene with Grace Jones was the first time he'd ever really feared for Bond's life in the series.

I'll always have a soft spot for Moonraker on the strength of Michael Lonsdale's gloriously dry and annoyed performance as Drax.

Seymour's unearthly beautiful in Live and Let Die but the character of Solitare is kind of a literal Vestial Virgin, which has a very different appeal from Green's.

But you get to say "Banco Suivi!" and "Pass the shoe!"

Making the movie four hours long as Giannini narrates us through multiple deck-design sequences.

That said, given that his Mom was sick with cancer, I think they would have been better off skipping it and watching Raising Arizona again.

…and you cannot lie.

Any building close enough to The Towers that its sunlight would be blocked for more than part of the day would probably have been a bit dusty after the collapse.

Great presence for it, but Mordred was supposed to look young and pretty, and I think Warner, while handsome, has always tended to look a bit older than his years (I think he looks a little older than the actual Reinhard Heydrich at about the same age in that Holocaust clip).

Merv having been revealed to have been a serial killer himself, in The Man with Two Brains

Maybe the Brits are just kind of blasé about him? Surely he'd be kept busy at any US con.

Any idea what alias he uses here in the comments?
I'd dearly love to know what other celebrities lurk here. Besides myself, of course…

And a great story. Also great that you can corroborate his admissions that he's not the most computer-adept guy in the world…

If I could have Shaffer playing musical cues throughout my day, I'd grow a beard like that for him to live in.

I would think that another factor in not firing would be fear — that one sees no point in firing and thus drawing enemy fire unless one is facing down a bayonet charge or something (a variation on the "range" factor you mentioned).

I thought the three soldiers' plotline suffered a bit from their anonymity (as well as it sometimes being physically difficult to tell any of the soldiers apart, given their similar hair, voices, and obviously uniforms). And the convergence of the stories seemed a little anticlimactic to me, inasmuch as it wasn't

High time for a Barnaby Jones reboot, if you ask me.

It'd be less creepy if they'd emulated Bob Ross, with lots of happy little trees.