
I don't think there's anybody in there but "Bloodlust".

That "bleed" gives me an impression something like modern electronic "ambient" music.

I never actually watched ABC's Muppet show, in part because it sounded so very off-key with the characters and tone I fondly remember of them. I can see where somebody passionately devoted to that tradition could never have been happy working on the show, and ended up really soured on the new management.

I grappled with how to phrase that. I meant specifically that they played nicely with the little kids their costumes are bound to attract.

Well put, and I can certainly accept Caesar seeking to elevate his kind. But as far as the idea of human violence being "aberrant", might one say that Caesar's view of human norms is influenced by his upbringing — "it's weird that these humans I keep meeting are so violent, when the behavioral psychologists who raised

That's absolutely a big theme in modern philosophy and neuro-psychology — how much of human behavior is the result of intentional acts of will, and how much is fundamentally instinctual or reflexive, but rationalized after the fact?

I don't know about implying this was some sort of "false flag" operation, but this could easily have been the fault of a relatively small number of jerks, or jerks-under-the-influence.

Tangential to 1), I'd guess that "crinkling" was an outgrowth of wearing diapers underneath suits that would otherwise pose an intolerable bathroom obstacle, and some wearers discovering "Hey, I'm likin' this…"

Cripes! He's been buried for over 60 years! Forget him! End his suffering!

Dragon's Domain was like the Citizen Kane of Space: 1999 episodes.
It also made wonderfully creepy use of Adagio in G Minor, which has its own weird backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

As kind of a coda to the old disaster movie age, I don't think it's half bad — it's vastly better than Irwin Allen's own The Swarm.

Those Eagle ships were pretty awesome — very 2001-esque.

One would think that Transylvania University must do a brisk business in monogrammed T-shirts, and capes.

I don't think most voter ID proposals hinge on a special ID card, they just demand that the voter show an accepted form of ID such as you describe in order to vote, while many places currently only require the voter to sign-in. The complaints about vote suppression assert than many low-income/minority voters don't

Not to mention the shuffling around of populations that the Soviets did after the war

I can certainly see the appeal of the idea of self-determination for subject ethnic minorities, though one wonders what Wilson's attitude would have been if his League of Nations had proposed applying it to the counties of the US "Black Belt": https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

I dunno… His demise seemed pretty final. Though I guess clones, robot doubles, and uploaded consciousnesses aren't out of the question.

Best I could come up with at 4:00am… ;)

King, of course, being widely rumored to have been James Buchanan's lover, his demise leaving Buchanan rather depressive throughout his own subsequent Presidential term.