Boy, that's all kindsa redundant…
Boy, that's all kindsa redundant…
Paper money (as many "goldbugs" on the web will happily tell you at excessive length) has no "intrinsic value" or use outside being an accepted medium of trade. GPL is kind of the "Bitcoin of space".
If you really want to, you can go off to the Memory Alpha wiki and delve into all that. In a nutshell, gold-pressed latinum is a substance that can't really be replicated, and its used at a currency only at the fringes of Federation space, or for trade in luxury and collector goods that similarly can't be replicated.
I wish your mom could have arranged some dates for me too…
It's long been understood that Betty and Veronica are physically practically identical except for their hair color. But if you wanted to get diverse in casting Big Ethel or Sabrina the Teenage Witch, I don't see a problem.
Indeed — Medusa's Coil's racist "punchline" played as unintentionally laugh out loud funny to me.
I've not heard previously of Hitler designing his own astrological calendar — I'd be surprised if he undertook anything so ambitiously arcane himself, but he might have been passed such a thing by Himmler, Hess, or some other more heavily occult enmeshed and status-seeking figure.
I'd imagine those specifics are a bit elastic depending on how strictly one defines "catfish". In the case of chatrooms, for example, I think the proportion of men-pretending-to-be women is likely much higher, but the only thing they're gaining by deception there is a sex chat partner.
I'll take the opportunity to suggest Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's The Occult Roots of Nazism for anyone interested in the reality of this sort of thing. Hitler himself had more of a vague belief in destiny and collective spirit than a real interest in occultism, but various supporters were much more into it, and the…
I recently read The Horror at Red Hook which is widely considered one of his more egregious works for all of its dwelling on the "degeneracy" of the neighborhood. I definitely felt like there were traces of sympathy in the tale, though — specifically references to how the evil cultists prey primarily on their own…
Technically, Ken's always been "transitioning", hasn't he?
I'm even more sure that Jairo and the attorney did.
Agreed. The meaning should be clear pretty quickly. The fact that the cut is deferred so long is just twisting the knife…
This is why I prefer binge-watching these things instead of trying to keep track of the details week-to-week.
I believe that was all encompassed in this comic, but you'll have to take up any complaints with Mr. Chick and his writers.
That's more like it.
When I first saw this on-line, I'd assumed that it was an attempt to cash in on Exorcist mania. I guess it still might have been, but I don't remember the book being quite the pop culture phenomenon that the movie was.
This was before that time, alas. Kiefer was probably best known as a scary teen vampire. But I was going for a somewhat Punisher-esque persona, so it ended up kind of prophetic.
Years ago part of my role-playing gaming circle had a "born again" aunt who gave him various literature intended to save his soul. In that way I was introduced to the "Dark Dungeons" comic, as well as a full-sized, four-color comic about the global satanic conspiracy — encompassing the mass media as well as the…
That doesn't mean they'd hate you. It'd be like when Jerry Falwell tried to explain that to Larry King — You're my good friend even though I know you're damned.