
Without a doubt, this is the best episode of the entire series. Or my favorite at least. It's so complicated and complex while at the same time being so simple. Some of the best 11 minutes of TV, I must say.

DANI Pudi. I'm offended

Will there be coverage of the previous episodes?

I was watching an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and there was a message saying "this will expire/leave on December 7. I checked all seasons and by the looks of it, seasons 1-7 will vanish on December 7. Thoughts?

now you see i loved this episode. it was one of the funniest in a while plus the show did well with executing the drama. Baffled by the grade

Zack has to calm down on these reviews. There were bad moments, but it isn't as bad as a C-. Starting to get real annoyed. Also, the cliffhanger episode is a C, and this one is a C-. Wtf

Why in the fuck would they reveal that they woke up for a reason?! That's probably like, the biggest fucking plot twist in the film!!

Is this not the best headline on the Av club?

Now, you absolutely have to do The Simpsons Season 4

I'm upset at Jason Sudeikis. He is a really talented and funny person, and he let all of that go to waste in Mother's Day. He did what David Cross did for Alvin and the Chipmunks: He did it for the money

I abandoned this show years ago, and it was the best decision I have ever made. Ever since Gloria gave birth, the show was on a downward spiral, and I found the episodes to be a pain to have to watch. I'll admit, there are some, like Vegas, that still are good, but Modern Family should have ended a long time ago, and

The downer ending of the episode was very enjoyable, as it continues to add to the conflicting emotions of the episode. I also shows that Dale has shed the image of protecting his brother, like Christine asked him to do

They thought they were in 2014, but they were told that they're in 4028.
2014 plus 2014 equals 4028.
Also, if Pope cut the Burkes brakes in 2014, did he go into hibernation mode for 2000 years?