
Ughhhh…What an awful night of entertainment.  I want my money back.  I guess I'm getting old because I don't remember ever hearing most of the songs sung, yet I'd seen most of the movies!

Yeah, there was controversy at the time that she (Gamu) was autotuned.  I was pissed off when Simon called it "being creative" or whatever he said when Nicole criticized the lyric change.  I was like, "creative???" He copied that other girls version, which autotuned or not, was 10 times better than Rachel Crow's

gays are often stereotyped as gossipy, snobbish, manipulative troublemakers.  Whether they are acknowledging their homosexual feelings or not, both Tyler and Nolan fit those negative stereotypes — I feel these things are being implied for the audience to see them exactly this way.  Notice how the definitely "straight"

Well, let us all hope the writers read this column and decide not to end the season your way.  That would be awful. (You're not awful, but the "Tyler shot by Ashley" twist would be a let-down). I hope the series does not go in that direction.  It has tended to surprise so far so maybe they have some real shocking

Yeah, but Nolan isn't exactly a positive gay stereotype either.

Provided he is actually telling the truth about his family. 

Show took some interesting turns this week.  Glad to see they threw Tyler and Nolan together.  Can't wait to see what kind of trouble those two get into as the show progresses.  Sure to be drama filled as each of them are "pot-stirrers" — I'm sure that Tyler is smart enough to figure out that he may need some leverage

I think Nolan likes to "stir the pot"… Haven't you ever known people who like to create drama for drama's sake?

I also thought the same thing briefly.  Suddenly, it seemed rather incestous.

They were probably afraid of taking it too far and alienating audiences right off the bat.  They will probably study the reaction to this new plotline first before taking it further.

My friend and I thought the same thing about Beverly Leslie.  How funny.

You and I think the same way.  I think she's doing a great job, but you're right, she isn't turning in a Glenn Close type of performance that wins an Emmy.  I just think that because she's a former A-Lister who did mostly big budget films 20 years ago that she will get noticed come Emmy time for her above adequate and

Is Merle definitely coming back?  Were their characters in the comic book?

I said the same thing but then my friend asked, "Will the Zombies attack a dead person?"  Does anyone know?  Perhaps if he had killed him the Zombies would have continued chasing him.

I think some people in that situation may begin to believe that everything happens for a reason and this kind of death for Carl would be a better one than being torn apart by Zombies.  Surely in the aftermath of a Zombie takeover certain parents would kill themselves and their families.  Hell they do that in real life

Ok, Brax we're on.  I bet Stowe gets nominated for an Emmy.  Although I agree that no one else would really deserve it.  I think she's doing a great job and she brings a lot to the table.  I hope the writers give her some heavy scenes to tackle.

I think she does look better now.  She certainly knows how to steal a scene.  Good casting for the show.

I despised DRIVE and thought it was a crashing pretentious bore. 

Oh yeah.  I remember her from that movie.  God, has it been that long ago?  She seemed like 20 years old at the time. 

Yeah, I enjoy his presence though.  I noticed the show really picked up once he entered the scene.  I think he will make a great nemesis for Emily.  A lot of story ideas can open up with him around.  You got the serial killer part right.  A definite sociopath. I want Emily to have someone that keeps her nervous as she