Millennial Historian

There's always Brown and Dartmouth. No one gets kicked put of those two.

He said that even rape could be joked about. I didn't think his example was that funny though. He said, "Imagine Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd. See? It's funny!" Eh. Not all that funny. Someone around here once told a much funnier joke years ago. Right before Memorial Day, I think, people were posting about their plans,

You can't just like and share — you gotta type "AMEN!"

Who's the 83-year-old white man? 'Cause I know that sure as he'll isn't King! He's gotta be pushing 100.

I think that's a beautiful explanation of why Maher shouldn't have used the word. As for reporting on the incident, it does rankle me when we employ the phrase "the n-word" when we're supposed to be having a serious discussion about the use of that very word. It feels like infantilization and insults to our

It wouldn't be "FOR NO REASON." It would be because Maher used the word, and the story was reporting what he said — since what he said is the whole reason for the story in the first place.

"Maybe a Forbes-ie or wall streeter voice."

Someday I predict the Harold Washington library will be in a Capone-era flick and make for a curiously well suited anachronism.

They could do a dozen on Chicago alone!

I kind of like "He's in the car." But the whole scene is stupid. Make it some other guy besides Nitti, who — as you've pointed out — lives on the run the Outfit after Capone gets put away!

God, that elevator shot. "Touchable." It was the height of the slasher era, of course, so they felt license to use all the blood they could.

I actually measured the end of the scariest, western-capitalism-is-leading-us-all-to-catastrophe part of the Great Recession by my inability to name Timothy Geitner's successor as Secretary of the Treasury.

The rest can largely be explained by untreated syphillis.

You're surprised that a man famous for putting his name on vacuum cleaners sucks?

You lie!

"What can I say about that suit that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan?"

Apparently some unscrupulous hiring managers will look for double-spaces after commas as a sign of older job applicants so they can throw those applications out. That is, they use it as backdoor age discrimination. The fuckers.

Right. Like, he might have suffered a massive head injury, or a stroke, or been kidnapped and brainwashed. Poor guy.

And it sounds like his failure to answer that "WTF are those 30 lbs. of rocks for?" question was a major reason his permit was denied.

Syphillis can cause brain damage. I'm just saying that it's a possibility.