Millennial Historian

"Good God! The curtains!"

• A formula to determine when one will die
• An afterthought about "barring misadventure"
• An admonition to learn how to make flaming cheese in ones own home

Username/comment synergy.

They should do porn reviews. That'll bring the clicks!

Didn't Buddy Cole on Kids in the Hall say something like that about Roy Cohn being gay? "I just don't want him to be!"

On the escapist level — the level on which I agree it should be viewed — Ferris's continual escape from consequences or trouble is the source of the fun. We get to tag along and see what it would be like to skate past all kinds of trouble and getting by on charm and clever improvisation. But, when people foolishly

Well, not everyone

Hmmm. I haven't seen Adventures in Babysitting, so it's moving to the top of my list now.

Have some fucking respect for the Sausage King!

You're both wrong. It was "da Bears."

I think you mean your task, not your job. I don't imagine you're getting paid for this shit.

I'm seeing double here!

I simply can't believe Charlie Rose conducted a thoughtful or insightful interview.

On Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Brooks explains that they were desperate for a black screenwriter to give them cover for how many times the characters use the word "n[redacted]r." I have the impression that Pryor didn't contribute much that made it into the final movie, except for the "pawn in game of life" line.

I remember that stunt on Will and Grace, and how Wilder — clearly withered with age and sickness — still outshone the stars of the show.

You don't know what you're missing though. His character in Silver Streak wrote a book about sex. When asked if he was a sex expert, he says, "I know what goes where…and why."


Polka sounds ridiculous, like what Martians would play to mock what humans sound like to them. But, when you know how to dance it, the polka is a lot of fun!

1987 — year of the Joshua Tree

How much fuck you wish?