Millennial Historian

White privilege. smh


Someday, the Rolling Stones (even Keef) will be dead, and these guys will be the last mega-star rock band from the days when rock was the dominant popular music. I listened to the Joshua Tree the other day, and it's still like getting tossed around by a cyclone, even almost 30 years later. Kind of like the Simpsons,

"Duck season!"
"Rabbit season!"

Only half? See, that's what separates you from that dentist in Minnesota who killed that lion.

We've got everything! Literally, everything. It's the great marketplace of religious expression, which sure looks like a carnival sometimes — and even like an open-air drug market at times!

Not to mention Red Forman.

You see, she had just seen it herself, and totally had the time of her life. She also identified with the protagonist because she was screwing an older man: the video store owner.

THIS! It's clear that Mel Brooks very much loved the source material in Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, because he grew up on them. But Spaceballs hit enough wrong notes that, even as a 12-year-old, I could tell that the filmmakers didn't know and enjoy Star Wars as much as kids like me did who grew up on it.

"Zey hav-unt rung zose bells in years! It means zey are goink to hang sum-vun."

No, but you could probably have a conversation full of agreement with Genevieve Koski.

"I doubt if 1 percent of the population could remember much of anything about the original…"

Your username tells me that you may be unusually fixated on such a scene, and might not have the most objective or balanced perspective.

Show me a man who doesn't find National Lampoon's Vacation funny, and I'll show you a man who is tired of life.

[eyes narrow]

I imagine it really pisses you off that there never was this Griswold family from suburban Chicago — it's all fake! It's all just something someone dreamed up! Made up out of thin fucking air! Fiction! God damn it!

[eyes narrow]

Yes, in the sense that moonshine/white lightnin' is illegally made, while this liquor is surely made in accordance with the laws. But moonshine is traditionally made as whiskey (hence the use of "corn squeezins"); it just doesn't get aged in a barrel that imparts the dark color to the liquid. To my knowledge, all

Erin go br[bleeeeeeccccchhhh]!

That thing looks like a human-sized mouse trap. No way I'm walking inside of it — I don't care how tasty that free speech looks.