Millennial Historian

Why not? Besides Belichick's Shakespearean consuming obsession leading to madness, you've got Richard Sherman trying his damnedest to turn the NFL into the WWF. Why not arrange for the winner to be more about dramatic interest than final score of the game?

Then how does she expect people to get vaccinated?

The 125-degree air is the least problematic thing in Tyson's statement. Has he seen Tom Brady? Just thinking about him gets me a bit flustered. Is it hit in here, or is it just me? [faints dead away]

I love the thought that the New England Patriots organization has a science division that conducts lab experiments. Next, they should explain why a hot dog tastes so fear at the stadium, but the same dog at a gas station is pretty lackluster.

That's why this is on Showtime and not HBO, where they do interesting things.

B-b-b-but tits, gore, and swearing!

You belong to the night.

Watched Noah. That movie is totally bonkers! More visually inventive than your typical biblical epic. Very effective in its storytelling about Creation and how Noah figures out his dreams and visions. I especially liked the primordial feel of the first third, when there's no ark yet — just Noah's attempts at

Are you suggesting that they are playing under some kind of curse, perhaps put upon them by the religious leadership of righteously indignant, politically and economically powerless, yet proud people?

And since they play in the same conference, it's especially unlikely that they would ever face each other in the Super Bowl!

I posted this in reply to @Womp Thing, above, but in case Disqus is acting weird and doesn't let you see it, I'll paste it here:

Hmmm. Stretching it out across the indefinite run of a TV series could dilute that central relationship between Zod and Jor-El, and it would risk the show being canceled before they adequately build up to the series finale where Kal-El escapes and the planet explodes. Plus, the TV show couldn't possibly have the

Frank DeFord once described Bill Belichick as "the Captain Ahab of the NFL," and I have to say that every time Bellichick is in the news, he reaffirms how perfect that description of him is. That's why I desperately want deflate-gate to be true, and traceable back to Belichick. I have no rooting interest for or

As a remake of Pressure Point?

I figured, when they made the first one, they had no idea they'd get to make a sequel/remake, and rather than show full-on post-apocalypse, they wanted to show a Death Wish or Dirty Harry-like vision of the world we know sliding into anarchy and chaos, with no one able to stop it.

Only when Anakin goes on a killing spree.

I like his Episode 2 ideas. I wonder when he'll get Episode 3 up and running.

Not so much a remake as a reboot, but I wish Man of Steel had been all about Krypton, Jor-El, Zod, and what led to their falling-out. Have Jor-El launch the rocket with baby Superman at the end, and everyone's ready for a sequel that can jump right into the Daily Planet and Superman stuff.

I think of Alien as a horror movie, Aliens as a war movie, and Alien^3 as a prison movie.

I hardly ever do this, but here goes: LOL!