Millennial Historian

I haven't seen any of his stuff since this one, either. That's how I know he's a propagandist more than an artist: once he failed in his stated goal of defeating Bush in '04, I had no further interest in him. Even as passionate as I was about the health care debate, I had no desire to watch Sicko.

"What is his field?"

His death-of-thatcher piece was fucking brilliant.

I don't mock Canadians for your Queen, but it was one major reason why, when Bush the Younger won in '04, I wasn't among those Americans seriously thinking of emigrating to Canada (another major reason was your economy being inextricably tied so closely to ours). Yes, I want that most-sensible-on-the-planet health

I didn't like or agree with Moore's description of snipers as cowards, but he's hardly the first person to do it. The same slur has been thrown at those who launch long-range middles from the safety of hundreds of miles from the battlefield. More recently, some retired military officers have expressed disgust for a

Every time someone abbreviates the show as ATK, I immediately think of BTK, and Christopher Kimball momentarily becomes the scariest person on earth to me.

No black teenagers have tried to mug me in a subway, so I can't shoot them and then get to name my pistol. Thanks, Obummer!

Just because they're there, though, doesn't mean they're good. The most depressing meal I've had in a long time was enchiladas in Rochester, MN. Goddamned meat had none of the spices you mentioned. I don't think it even had black pepper. Just onions and ground beef that wasn't even browned for some flavor, but kind of

My only hard-and-fast rule on this is that I don't use the word "supper" (even in 3-days-before-Easter contexts), so that pretty much determines what the midday and evening meals will be called. You guessed it: Ricardo and Tibor.

I would love to see that. I may have even been to that gas station, if it was in West, TX (a town that's actually in central TX).

We have more downs, that's why!

They're gonna give it one more shot. But if it screws up even once more, it's out on its ass!

They're really gonna hurt when the minimum wage goes up to 15 bucks an—-

"These aren't the droids you're looking for…"

A sleeveless sweatshirt?

All I know about that is that the owner of the male gets the pick of the litter. Oh, and English bulldogs need assistance from their humans to perform.

Well, I guess I really have to watch it now that Rogen is getting flak from the knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing parts of Redneckistan who didn't cotton to his opinion about som'm-er-udder he said 'bout American Sniper — whutever it wuz, it wuz anti-military; my bruther-in-law had it all over his Facebook.

I took the shirt to be an ironic solipsism, in that the shirt was given away free at some convention, and redundantly announced itself as swag. It could have had anyone's picture on it, or no one's.

I used to care. I take a pill for it now.

It's not that they can't add chiles and spices, but that they don't want to because the autocrat who signs their checks, Christopher Kimball, is a thin-blooded Yankee of delicate sensibilities who gasps, coughs, and perspires from food with paprika in it, and faints dead away at the sight of chili powder or cayenne.