Millennial Historian

Cue those who defend a Tweety Bird picture on one's calf as a legitimate and ancient art form…

Why get a tattoo when you can have a catheter inserted?

Part of the description of Inked says it all: "Inked relies on white cards with explainers instead of one of the characters narrating to situate the viewer, which has since gone out of style." I assume this means something like Pop-Up Video would do, where an explanation would pop up on the screen like a thought

Hot Tub Time Machine's Lizzy Caplan.

You guys better quit gherkin around.

Indeed. In fact, the Irish were so despised when they first came to America in huge numbers in the 1830s and 1840s that some native Americans in the North held them in far lower estimation than the free blacks up North, who tended to be skilled workers, entrepreneurial, and sometimes even modestly capitalized, while

Not you! I meant @avclub-9faa8bdc4a84b8217726cb1bfb903baf:disqus . Back to your tree! [throws feces]


Remember when O'Reilly would have camera crews ambush his enemies on the streets or in front of their homes? Maybe he still does it. If so, and you ever find yourself on the receiving end of an O'Reilly Factor camera, answer every question with an alternating string of "loofah" and "felafel." It'll never make it to

Somehow I always knew a strange, talking monkey would sort things out.

The oldest peoples of what's now Scotland that I am aware of were the Picts. These were the blue-painted faces that terrified the Romans. I don't think they were Celtic, as I've always heard that the first Celtic people in Scotland came over from Ireland, probably during Roman times. The Celts overwhelmed the Picts

That utterance got really close to unintentional humor. When she goes further and says, "…just like this marriage is an abortion…" I can't help but think of Homer's Gamblor moment, and I almost start to giggle. But then Michael slaps her, and any humor fumes in the room get cleared out right quick.

Everything about that final sequence of the series finale was perfect. That may not have been the best show ever, but it's in the running for best finale ever. It's up there with Newhart and Blackadder Goes Fourth in my book.

"Yoda flipping around like a goblin on crack"? I'm sure I don't know what you mean. The only instances I know of like that occcur in heretical texts. The quote I provided was from the Holy Writ.

I may have brought baggage to that movie that makes me treat it unfairly. I happen to have studied mid-19th-century Irish immigration a whole lot, so I was really hoping the film would treat subjects like the 1863 Draft Riots and other matters like that more centrally. Everything about DiCaprio's story felt

Don't you ever just want to see Sack Lunch?

You actually paid the $9 for some pomegranate juice. What the fuck, are you kidding?

Pffft. They don't even let you search by Latin/scientific name?

Can I say a few words about the voice on these things, too? When I read "unexpected item in the bagging area" in your comment, I immediately heard it in the voice that's on those machines. And it is said with an urgency that makes me think I've somehow triggered an immediate, full-on strip-search from the TSA. I'm

Don't Bob Seger and Alex Foley both hail from Detroit? Doesn't seem like a mismatch to me. Seger tried for the same blue-collar expression that Springsteen did, and probably managed a version of it that was more authentic to the Rust Belt than Springsteen's was (the Boss's version was probably authentic to the east