Millennial Historian

Did you make a lot of jokes about how bad NAFTA was?

I have to admit, I do like the implication that being a frat-boy is sinful and something to repent about.

This sounds pretty interesting. And Dylan Moran needs all the exposure he can get, because he's one of the funniest people alive.

They kind of ran him into the ground back in the late-1980s, when I was reading the comics, by endlessly comparing his origin with Batman's, and how their traumas affected them, and how their personae afterward were fun-house-mirror reflections of each other. It got old. I would groan sometimes and say, "Ugh,

I did a Google image search for Juggaloes, and came across one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time:

Some Platonists might argue that paint on them removes them further from the Form of boob, but not so far as does a bikini top or bra.

Does the Gathering of the Juggaloes ask attendees not to appropriate the garb of cultures that are not their own, such as sleeves?

Look again and see what I wrote: "Of course, no groping, no lewd suggestions, and no following that person around (a.k.a., stalking)…"

Would a woman as HBO CEO of Weenies really result in more cocks being shown on HBO? If it were a gay man, yes; it would be dicks all over the place. But a woman? Not as likely.

I actually think she's just smart enough to realize that it's a lot of work being one of the powers that be, and you are constantly under scrutiny and vulnerable to criticism from the public she claims to want to speak to directly in this video. She has absolutely no interest in working hard for anything like public

Also, at some point, her looks will cease to stir old, familiar, long-forgotten sensations in 85-year-old white men's loins.

A friend of mine in junior high was looking at a globe for, like, 10 minutes, and finally said, "What's the capitol of Africa?"

Best name ever.

You know what would have been a great way to vandalize it? Shooting a bunch of holes in it with an AR-15 with an extended-capacity magazine. Just modify that fucker ever-so-slightly to make it fully automatic, and just spray-paint a fucking bald eagle up there, one bullet at a time.

I dunno, rich white heterosexual people have been doing great under Obama, too. Hell, they always do great! I wish I were one of them!

The logo for this looks like the sign for a discount auto parts store.

I guess I was imagining a big room with lots of people, and maybe you see someone who's dressed as a cross between Ned Stark and Iron Man, but they're 50 yards away, talking with someone in a stitch-perfect Star Blazers uniform. You just like the way they're holding a conversation very casually, as if these universes

Obviously someone getting right up in your face and snapping a picture of your cleavage is an invasion of your space. It's easy enough to tell someone to fuck off if they're doing that. What I imagined was a situation where someone wasn't close enough to ask your permission, but thought you looked interesting —

That's the problem: it had dozens of monkeys to write that thing. How do you include all of them? Maybe you just include the alpha, but that offends our sense of equality, since he hardly did any of the work.

Maybe we're talking about different things, here, but what I got from the article was that these people didn't want other people staring at their costumes (which could just be those people looking intently for a little while because they can't immediately figure out what the fuck that costume is; not all Comic-Con