Millennial Historian

Liked for use of "Gear!"

I love the implication that people who don't read comics are not among the literate.

"Why should I change my name? They're the ones who suck!" — Isis (who had it first, anyway)

He's going to fill the vacuum that Philip Seymour Hoffman left.

That's 'cause I'm roasting you in the oven, with some unpeeled garlic cloves and potatoes scattered with olive oil and oregano.

But what were her bicep and neck measurements? That's where she loses out, looking unnaturally thin and praying-mantis-like.

"embarrassed i know all this gossipy shit."

Same goes for athletes. But it doesn't have to be an either-or thing. You can make your money stripp—- uh, I mean "dancing" or playing a professional sport. Then, once the body begins to fail and you're no longer making what you once did as a "dancer" or athlete, then you can take up the Wal*Mart uniform.

I don't like it when words like "shorts" and "pants" are rendered in the singular.

But here at Fleet-A-Pita, we just call it "flavor sauce"!

Some people don't react well when people who know better than they do start giving recommendations.

I always say the same thing about Ke$ha.

I was watching a Brady Bunch episode recently and was amazed at how much Barry Williams looked like a young Lou Reed.

"she doesn't know how to smile."

I love how she used her experience running multiple businesses (?) as a defense against Jon Hamm's characterization of her as the symbol for our culture's celebration of stupidity.

Don't tell us what to do!

That same thinking goes into mass transit, too. If a bus route has little ridership, they cut it back, not realizing that if they did the opposite (increasing frequency, extending hours, etc.), more people might actually find it useful, and thus would ride it.

I only remember the title from when it was in theaters. I had no further knowledge of it, and didn't know Jim Carrey or Ewan McGregor was in it until reading this article.

I can recite the Nicene Creed*, but that doesn't mean I understand (or even actually believe) everything therein!

Liberal capitalism is democratic in the sense that just about anyone can enter it, just about at any point up and down the ladder. It's also democratic in that one can enter the economy at the bottom, with little or no capital to begin with, and continue to grow a business with enough talent and luck until he moves