Millennial Historian

Yes! Yes, that's right! Nothing untoward at all happened. Thank you for saving the rest of my afternoon.

You've got sex, thieving, drunkenness, sex, some more sex, some more drunkenness, theft, drunken theft, drunken sex, and sex. Maybe they're afraid it would have to be NC-17?

Even better example is Spider-man, since the original Hulk movie did horribly, while the Toby Maguire Spider-man movies played a big part in changing what people expected from superhero movies.

I think you're on to something. My theory is that Catholics find The Exorcist really disturbing because of some pretty nasty scenes of desecration of holy objects. To us, those things have a meaning (and therefore power) that isn't there for Protestants, especially since many branches of non-Catholic Western

Yeah, I thought he was more of a child-murderer than a child molester.

I've always thought the life of St. Augustine would make a great movie, and wonder why no one has done it, that I know of.

It hit a Malaysian airliner yesterday….

The crazy thing is that it seems you're more likely these days to hear Latin during an Anglican Mass than a Catholic one.

This sounds pretty interesting. I still credit Shadowlands (one of Anthony Hopkins's most underrated performances) with one of the greatest explanations for what prayer is: when his wife was dying and Lewis was praying, one of Lewis's colleagues asked if Lewis really believed that prayer would change anything; Lewis

I regret that my only Pink Floyd concert experience involves driving across all of Texas to El Paso to buy tickets to a show there, since it was the only place they would be playing anywhere near us, all on the mistaken information that tickets were going on sale that day (this was long before the internet, remember).


I'd say he also left out The Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum, but how could I know, since I can't read the damn captions, even in the "zoomed-in" version.

I think it would have been improved with a facing version of each, too, like a mug-shot. Double the number of pictures could be a layout nightmare, I guess. Even a 3/4 view of each would have shown more nuance with some of the designs.

True story: When I was 16, I wrote a short story for school about a mad scientist. I named him Dr. Breyfogle, after Norm. I didn't much like Breyfogle's work, but I always figured he could have done an awesome job with a mid-20th-century mad scientist (white, high-necked frock, forehead mirror), so the name fit.

Remember how Batman's a scientist? Well, he discovered this one weird trick to boost his testosterone!

Apparently there is some Australian animal properly called a possum. There also is, apparently, an Australian animal properly called an opossum. I have no idea if these are the same animal or not. I don't particularly care, either. I know Aussies get all protective of their non-placentals, but they don't have a

Clearly I wasn't talking about any of those people; I was talking about good, upstanding 'M'r'c'ns.

You're surprised at the overthinking? This is the site where, yesterday, people were saying how they just could not suspend their disbelief about Pixar's Cars universe because there were no humans in it, and they couldn't understand how anthropomorphic machines would have sexual intercourse.

They seem to have acquiesced to this, and have gone to mostly short-form articles since ceasing their print version a year or two ago. I still find American Voices to be reliably funny, as well as the editorial cartoons and infographics.

Brian Regan has the highest funny-to-fame ratio of any comedian. That is, he's so fucking funny, but he doesn't have the exposure or fame of many, many less-funny comedians. And I don't understand why; he makes a point of not working blue, so he should be TV-ready. Just plug and play that motherfucker! His Comedian