Millennial Historian

That's…well, that's something. I never knew this biastioc, but have only heard of him from other commenters. I thought he was just a legend, whispered on the cyber-winds of the AV Club — a scary story to make the AV Club children behave themselves, lest they suffer his fate.

I just love reading this for your use of the word "picture" to mean "movie" or "film." Do you work in the film industry? If not, you may be the last person outside that industry using the word that way, and I think it's great! I'm not going to join you, but I think it's great that you are keeping the tradition

You're forgetting that a large percentage of the population are idiots.

I hope the Canadian listings note that Rush has nothing to do with the band of that name. Otherwise there will surely be some mighty upset Canadian viewers.

I know what you mean about not being able to locate a black market. When I was growing up, I always heard that kids in any high school could tell you who or where to find drugs to buy. "Really?" I thought. "That's strange, because I'm a kid in high school, and I have no idea where to go or who to talk to if I

Cars wasn't the best Pixar movie by any stretch, but I got strangely protective of it when I saw Planes, and realized it was a total rip-off of, and far inferior to, Cars.

Are you familiar with the phenomenon of a redneck driving a big, small-penis-compensating Ford pickup that has a decal of Calvin pissing on a Chevy bow-tie logo*?

I agree. There's a whole world of the "urban Indian" that is open for exploration in American pop culture.

Can you give us a clue?

That's interesting about black market stamps in the prison being valued at less than face-value, due to their sheer abundance and the risk one takes of having a stash (in excess of their 60 allowed stamps) confiscated by the guards. I hadn't considered that. Black market economics are really interesting, aren't they?

It used to be that many nurses were nuns, and I suppose some nurses still are. There are whole orders of nuns organized around nursing. Maybe Sister Ingalls was a nun.

The only problem I have with the idea of Vee selling stamps on the outside is that I can't imagine who would buy them. How often do any of us, with our easy access to digital communication, use a stamp? I buy a book of stamps maybe once every six months or year. I honestly have no idea if I have any at home right

My guess is Rosa had been around Red long enough that her accent changed.

When you consider how loyal to Vee Tastee has shown herself to be, it's not at all beyond imagination that Vee's people on the outside would be fiercely loyal enough to make sure she got whatever she needed on the inside. She might be paying them from a stockpile of money she left on the outside, or maybe they're

The inmates in the know do have a trump card to play: they know that Daya is pregnant, and who the father is. If Bennett could be forced to submit to a paternity test, he would face going to prison himself. How Pornstache himself escaped that fate is beyond me.

Healey is getting to be a complex enough character that some glimpses into his past might be enlightening. I think it was last season when we saw the flashback to Red's incarceration, Healey was showing her around the kitchen for the first time. He was wearing a shirt and tie, like Caputo, not a guard's uniform.

Yes. They explain this about the Golden Girls, Miss Claudette, and the sick inmates in Piper's (and Soso's) intake cell. They were all in more severe prisons earlier for their more serious crimes, but once they got old or sick or exhibited good behavior long enough, they got rewarded with serving the end of their

The pettiness of it might work against someone like Gloria and some of the others in that it's probably easier to catch someone doing that kind of thing, so prosecutors love to get their conviction rates higher by going after them.

Yes on the rising price of postage, but I doubt she's going to try selling them on the outside. They're essentially worthless outside the prison. No one is going to say, "3 cents off for a first-class stamp? What a great deal! I'll take 10!" Stamps just aren't that useful in 2014, and when you do need one, they

In the flashback, when young Rosa said, "This fucking guy," she was deliberately imitating Tony Montana, right? Because that's all I could think of in that scene. Anyway, yeah, older Rosa had such a different accent from young Rosa's that I didn't notice it was a Rosa flashback until the third scene or so. Maybe