Millennial Historian

"You want to see missiles, yes? Is niiiiiice."

Jones clearly thought he was playing the Joker in that movie. I think everyone on the set was too afraid of him to correct him.

In the movies, all the best evil scientists are European. You know the guy is secretly planning to exterminate entire continents and replace the people there with a master race when you hear an accent from central Europe. East Asian scientists are usually technically proficient, but are rarely shown as creative

And was also some kind of world-champion in karate, worked as Grace Jones's bodyguard in the 1980s, and dated her for a while. This guy should just be making movies about his own damn life, not direct-to-video cheap-ass action schlock.

He knows his knots and doilies, to be sure.

"a movie that isn't exactly a showcase for great acting."

I'm waiting to hear the term "pachyderm privilege."

What else would you call it if it makes you tear up? An allergen?

But…but…9/11 changed everything, even the past!

Probably came from the British navy, since all good things are British, apparently.

And which also featured Wayne Knight!

They might. But the side effect is that they'll also negate all your recent weight loss.

"Celebrate the independence of your country by blowing up a small portion of it." — Not-Apu.

They could have picked St. Patrick's Day or Columbus Day and avoided the controversy, I think.

I have to think that the Van Buren Boys plotline grew out of Larry David's personal resemblance to the 8th president.

"Hey, Sugar Ray Leonard can eat here on the house."

"Blackness" is more than just about skin color. It also has to do with hair and facial features, and, not least, culture. I knew a woman in college who had coarse, curly hair and facial features one associates with Africans, but her skin was as white as mine because she had albinism. She wasn't any less black than

Yes, to say that intentions don't matter at all is nonsense. Context and the person's intentions give an action meaning every bit as important as the actual effect. Anyone with a sibling knows that striking him or her on purpose, with the intent of hurting them, is morally and "legally" worse than if you hit them by

So we shouldn't niggle about the true meaning of a word when we have other, non-confusing ones (such as "stingy") we can use instead?

"Why do straight men so fear being thought of as homosexual, if they truly do not see homosexuality as inferior?"