Millennial Historian

Now I desperately want to hear Sarah Palin say, "the butt sex."

Joseph Fiennes looks like Prince in this.

Hey, some of those troops would very much like to share a cot — and now, with the demise of "Don't ask; don't tell," they can! Don't take away their opportunity to share a cot with a fellow solider. Do you hate our troops?

Liked for mention of CC Sabathia and his weight, which reminds me of this:

But no one cares about those. The Cubs won a couple of Series, too.

I think "fat guy hat" whenever I see pictures of George RR Martin in that black sailor's cap (or whatever it is). He rocks it, but it's the quintessential fat guy hat.

The only solution: bib overalls.

Well, with as many towns as there are named Springfield, you can bet your nipples that most of them have sports teams called the Isotopes.

"Obamunism" is the best thing I've seen all day.

As gay marriage becomes more accepted, though, so will "gay divorce." Divorce parties became a trend recently, at least before the Great Recession. Imagine how great those will be when the bitchiest guys in everyone's circle of friends eventually (and inevitably, really, amirite?) gets divorced.

So, criminal lawyers like it when people lie and are phony?

I've never understood why some people regard polygamy as some horrible, inherently evil thing. I mean, it's one of the oldest forms of marriage, and is still the norm in many undeveloped parts of the world. It's not the norm in Western society, and just because it's allowed wouldn't mean that everyone would be

They understand it. They just object to a strong central government — or any government, really — telling them not to do it. They feel it's their right to act freely, without any governmental or societal infringement, if their actions don't harm anyone else. So they look directly into the sun as a political

One. The egg-tooth.

Don't all the sounds in the Cyrillic alphabet correspond with sounds in the Latin alphabet (or, at least, possible to depict in it)? That probably helps. Also that Slavic languages are Indo-European; Arabic is not. None of this explains what the fuck the Irish are doing with the Latin alphabet, though.

I read that as "Loretta Tortelli has 12 pants"!

"the 80s, the era of the cartoonish Arab villain."

Wow, this sounds really interesting, just like The World, the Flesh[,] and the Devil, which you reviewed the other day. Also like that movie, this one is not available through Netflix. Is this column being used to prod Netflix into upping its game?

Has any white person ever been called "ofay" to his or her face? In the period between 1980 and the present? Hell, I've never even heard "honky" except in old movies, so I'm not sure it ever got said in real life, either.