sal paradise

This is almost as offensive as that time they gave the token black guy a Nobel Prize for no other reason than the fact that he was a token black guy.

Well put, and nice analogy. I love the Snow storyline in the book. And I love it on the show. The snarky commentary on Jon Snow, I believe, stems from a dislike of the actor Kit Harington. I think he's doing a solid job. Here's a part of the books I raised last season that will probably never see the light of day:

That moment in the dungeon when Jamie confesses to Tyrion the truth about Tysha is really heartbreaking. I'm really glad the show made sure that was…..oh wait, NOPE. Can somebody please explain to me why this was cut out of that scene? Because it's that confession that makes Tyrion take the detour into the Hand's

I scrolled down the comments to make sure I wasn't the only one really upset with this. my own 2 cents are incoming.