Aurelien Flieger


I feel like this season is going to be definitely better than 7 which was already very good for the most part. I'm very impressed by the overall excellent quality; the writers are pretty great at their job when they have an actual story to tell.

According to J. Carpenter, Harrington delivers a "heartbreaking performance" in the finale, so he'll at least live till then

I like Desmond Harrington.

Right?? Loved it too, but you gotta care about the characters, which is far from easy. I do, and I'm even glad Quinn's actually DOING SOMETHING OF HIS LIFE !

Des Harrington's acting had more intensity in Justified and TDKR than in the eight seasons of Dexter. Waste of a good actor.

Arrested Development season 4: until episode 7, it's often boring and rarely funny. Then, it's consistently excellent. I'm thrilled. The good ones: 1, 3, 5 and everything counting from episode 7.


I loved Crimson's simplicity, but NIS was, in my opinion, in the same range than Fear Her, if not worse.

It was a fun episode, in spite of its lack of cohesion. Certainly better than the duds that were NIS and TROA.

I will miss this show.

The third trial was a cop out. The rest was awesome. A-

There's actually a guy nicknamed Whovian. That's cool, really really cool

"really really bad Who" is "pretty bad" whatever else to me !

I watched it once, and thought it was really really bad. There were no stakes, no tension, no cohesion, no fear, no nothing. The sets were hideous and the editing mediocre. The Cybermen looked good but not menacing, and the old trick of "bad guy stops just before killing good guy" is sooo tiresome. So, first viewing:

I like their acknowledgment of past mistakes.

I do agree with your first sentence, but that "stupid shit with Pam and Jim" contributed to making the episode work as well as it did.

Oliver's a dick, right? I mean, he tells Tommy he can be with Laurel, then he tells her they can be together? He's an asshole.

At some point it became a giant, ridiculous mess; but Jeff's graduation ceremony was emotional. I really hope there's gonna be a fifth season; the show can't end like that.