Sasso AKA Ron

Its true that Tupac was only an above-average lyricist, but despite this, he's been the most influential rapper up to this point. Its not an accident that posters of him can be found worldwide, from Shanghai to Cape Town to Chechnya. There are few musicians, much less rappers who have such a fervent global fanbase.

Its true that Tupac was only an above-average lyricist, but despite this, he's been the most influential rapper up to this point. Its not an accident that posters of him can be found worldwide, from Shanghai to Cape Town to Chechnya. There are few musicians, much less rappers who have such a fervent global fanbase.

Even for a show that's known for having minor characters that come off as caricatures, Potter is over the top. Potter's dress, mannerisms, and dialogue are just too extreme; they make it seem as if the show is trying very hard to create a character that viewers will perceive as "cool and eccentric".

I get that minor characters in Weeds are often eccentric caricatures but the "Pouncy House" characters are so far from believable as drug dealers that its no longer even funny. If I had the money and the clout, I'd hire Michael K. and make an extra episode just to have the satisfaction of seeing Omar come in and