Milo Minderbinder is my hero

The guy you marry never seems like your dad BEFORE you marry him. If he did, you wouldn't marry him! Saying Barney didn't seem like Robin's dad before means nothing.

I remember that this movie was released in the middle of the fiasco that was the 2000 election. It's trailers were definitely shown in November 2000 and included the exchange where Hofmann says the lie he's told Pigeon is completely ridiculous and she replies "so is the electoral college and yet we still vote." Mamet

Does no radio station in Iowa play Manfred Mann "stranded in Iowa" anymore? Used to be played regularly, often late at night so out of staters horribly lost on road trips would have a good story to tell. "there I was driving on i80 in the middle of god knows where when all of a sudden on the radio…"

Gee, Matt Wild, I lived your dream. I saw The Christmas Story in the theater on a double date in high school. Can't remember whose pick it was. I do remember the four of us enjoying it and thinking it was a shame it wasn't making more of a splash. I had no clue it would get a second life on cable or we'd get leg lamps