Black Orpheus

If this weren't TV, I think we could bring in Sophie's later instabilities as evidence, but at this point in the series I'm not sure if we know enough about her to really say. Who knows if the writers did either, is the problem. Or maybe, depending on how you evaluate such things, that doesn't really matter.

No joke. To be pretentious, I think that Peep Show is on par with the stage plays of Beckett. No other show comes close.

Quantum Decoherence Effects in the Containment of an Ionized Morrisey: An Investigation into Latino Hegemonies.

Yeah, for all the hate that Roth gets, he's probably under-appreciated, as strange as that phrase sounds.

Hell, bring the book to the theater! You'll piss off your neighbors, maybe, but you won't miss much.

"Breaking Babies," however, was the alternate title for last season's finale.

Haha! I just foiled your plan!

When I see Comment removed and @avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus going "Hot hot hot," I know there's something here to like.

Sources indicate they were playing with bones before that, though…

Here's to hoping, for your sake, that she's the type of narcissist who reads every word that's written about her, including on the Internet. (Hi, Karen!)

You're making that one up, Eddie. Einstein wrote prefaces for books that weren't romance novels, so one has to presume that he might have read said books, too. Let's not let stick the Einstein shtick of a-historical C-student savant.

I've watched it, and the "twist ending" (spoiler?)…is that it just ends. Her friend from college visits her, and Anneliese calmly explains that this is what God has put upon her to bear so she must bear it. IMHO, this is a pretty dumb way to end it. It's like promising the inside scoop, and then stopping the tape once

What's so insane about being a fierce schoolgirl who produces fat-man comedy specials?

Ow, dammit! I said TOUCHE!!

Eeeew! They look like two schlubby normal people in romantic lighting.

(quiet seethe of repressed rage)

Is it Megan Fox? Is it Proust? / It's the Internet. It's Chinatown.

I'm dreaming this comment without ever visiting the board.

"The System is Broken!" —also, the theme of every Wire episode ever

2 Girls, 1 Experience