Black Orpheus

Ay yi yi. Woody Allen can't really compete with that story.

"I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop. I was six-foot-three of sin." —Ted Nugent

For those people too lazy to follow Sean's link, here's Nugent's account:

@avclub-c305906bce98a870409f20115c7cd4e7:disqus You're twisting the argument that @avclub-fc93bbbf9e4177e4670ff7bae537928e:disqus set out somewhat. It's true that now, post-Reformation, there are all sorts of Christian options out there, but this is a result of a fracturing of the enormous dominance that the Catholic

I'm a teacher in AZ, so I see one of the big reasons for Mormon dominance here every day. The kids whose families are of that persuasion leave school for an hour each day to visit a "seminary," which is just like daily Mormon class in the building across the street from the high schools. These are virtually a given

Yes, what a delightfully breezy intro to meta-fictive narratives for younger viewers!

No offense, @avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus, but that is creepy as fuck.

It's his last "feature"; Soderbergh has a Liberace biopic in the can, slated for an HBO release (it was too gay for any major distributor to pick it up).

Fuck monetary policy…we should've just watched horror movies more closely!

You're leaving out important parts, here. Danny's sweater has a rocket on it…AND HE STANDS UP! If that's not a symbolic checkmate, I just don't know what is.

Also don't forget about inter-dimensional reptilian beings. You can be sure they haven't forgotten about you…

"I mean, I get that it's pure spending money whereas my salary, which is significantly less than that, mostly goes towards bills and debt, but still."
There's a misplaced "but still" in that statement. I really feel like an extra $50,000 might change my life pretty significantly—yours too, maybe.

Earth to world: Gene Hackman is really fucking old. (82, I think I heard on the radio.) Chances are, he's just tired.

Did you see The Master? An "A" is not entertaining; it is cosmically deep.

…and I like disco…

Look, I'm that guy who always comes to BEE's defense in the "Jeezus, what a douche Ellis is" threads, to the extent that there's a legitimate question of sock-puppetry at those points. I think the man's a genius. I also know on some level that this is not a tenable position.

Bizarro fun fact: Bret Easton Ellis sued Stiller for stealing the plot of Glamorama (to wit: airhead fashion models get involved w/ terrorists…or do they?), but won't talk much about it because he was given $$ in an out-of-court settlement to shut up about it. It's interesting to ponder how something so sinister could

From that review ("The film looks and feels unmistakably like a Wes Anderson movie…Charles Swann III offers the glossily empty experience of a group of costumed, overgrown children frolicking mindlessly through beautiful spaces"), this sounds like I'd enjoy it more than 80% of the loud actioners that come to the

Let's point out that for this brief moment, we can also observe the Community Grade: A!

Ebert had similar complaints in his review, but these complaints don't quite make sense when you consider the movie that's been presented. The crux of the issue, it seems, lies with a question: Are we supposed to like Oskar? Oskar the screamer, the forever-child, the rapist, the murderer? Isn't Oskar, the arrestedly