Black Orpheus

Bro, then it's called IRONY.

Bro, then it's called IRONY.

When Brownie fell asleep…we sent him to this nice farm upstate, see…

EDIT: I am tired. I cannot read.

But then what would motivate the wimin-hatin'?

Yes, that is the plot of Kung Fu Panda! (The child is a tiger, but still.)

This movie really bothered me. I watched an old VHS copy a few years ago, and Ripley's self-destructiveness was so horrifying to me that it's one of the very few times I've had to stop a film midstride to calm down before proceeding to the (even more horrible) ending.

Man o man, free comedy—amirite?!

To be fair, he's doing an increasingly shitty job of convincing us that he doesn't. So much for his "greatest trick"—although, good on him for getting this on Fox, eh?

Right? Just look at those saggy old celebretits. Sad. Just sad.

Release the Calf-implantin'!

As long as the theme song has jaunty jibs at "late capitalism" it's all bearable, right?

I look fondly back on the dignified highs of The White Rapper Show.

This seems like an appropriate time for Burl to show up with a sinister Haha!

It's, like, garde avant.

It's a question that needs a bracelet: W.W.M.D.?

"Her peeled-back scalp has come to be its own special character!"

This feels weird, agreeing with @avclub-17fc821acf8201df4d32d05fb05d0d4a:disqus …

For what it's worth, most of us would forgive that line in a Morrisey song.

It's also notable that Sean, who is on record as not appreciating the "Sean O'Neal is a robot" meme, is now propagating rumours that another fellow human may be a computer program (which is like a robot, but without corporeal form). Tsk, tsk indeed.