Black Orpheus

After reading Tenth of December this weekend (it's short), I was reminded just how much Saunders reminds me of Vonnegut, for better and worse. The "better" part of this is how their stories seem to strip American life—and, sometimes, life itself—down to the bone, exposing our pettiness and fraudulence for what it


@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus — I agree, re: Hostel. In fact, I even found Hostel 2 to be a far different film from the one that many non-watchers criticised. Eli Roth might not be the brainiest critic of American foreign policy, but I can't help but suspect that the stone-cold portrayal of an

Duh, like, swaggo!

Right? People here are acting like this is some kid who's never made a film before…whereas, lo and behold, it's the man who's responsible for some of the best movies I've had the chance to see. Respect, yo.

He was literally my reason for joining.

BEE has perfectly legit reasons to hate DFW, though. DFW slammed him in public, so isn't it only fair game for him to reciprocate?

Who heckles the hecklers?

It appears that SOMEONE's never investigated YouPorn very closely…

Two per, till the chainsaw sequences start.

Cf.: "gross misdeeds"

Cf.: "gross misdeeds"

Careful, @avclub-de9240f5c623bf031dcf0fca9770db44:disqus; that's how rumors get started.

As far as roles that Jackson disappears into, see his "Gator" turn in Spike Lee's Jungle Fever.

As far as roles that Jackson disappears into, see his "Gator" turn in Spike Lee's Jungle Fever.

Haha, people reading, good one.

The Bob Newhart Show: He's a therapist, but he's slightly nutty!
I Love Lucy: She's a comidienne, but IRL she's bitchy and neurotic!

I just skip the last episode and let my imagination roam…

Way to go, dummies.

This job might not be for you.