Black Orpheus

Hey, fuck you, buddy! You and yer big words ain't welcome round these parts no more! [drools]

Hey, fuck you, buddy! You and yer big words ain't welcome round these parts no more! [drools]

After the last gold plate, the aliens probably only know nice things!

After the last gold plate, the aliens probably only know nice things!

@avclub-a7b0f34d08549b4f4a822219766a8668:disqus Thanks for this response. I posted this before I read the discussion of the eagles thing above; I agree with your analysis, and that the implicit book-stuff should've been made into clearer movie-stuff.

@avclub-a7b0f34d08549b4f4a822219766a8668:disqus Thanks for this response. I posted this before I read the discussion of the eagles thing above; I agree with your analysis, and that the implicit book-stuff should've been made into clearer movie-stuff.

It's way, way worse than Tasha says. I watched it tonight, and it's filled with enough garbage that it made me reconsider if the original LOTR trilogy was any good. The religious Tolkien diehards might feel that any boredom must be the viewer's fault, but if, by the 40th minute of a meal scene, I'm not riveted, I

It's way, way worse than Tasha says. I watched it tonight, and it's filled with enough garbage that it made me reconsider if the original LOTR trilogy was any good. The religious Tolkien diehards might feel that any boredom must be the viewer's fault, but if, by the 40th minute of a meal scene, I'm not riveted, I

The adultery might've seemed fun, oh my brothers, but in the end, this life is all about Christianity and farming.

The adultery might've seemed fun, oh my brothers, but in the end, this life is all about Christianity and farming.

One thing about Bret is, no matter how ill-conceived his Internet forays may be, he'll always put his name on them.

One thing about Bret is, no matter how ill-conceived his Internet forays may be, he'll always put his name on them.

You listened to a book that's obviously meant to be read (hadn't you heard about the footnotes thing?), and then head over to call the writer a tool? Someone's a tool, in this situation.

You listened to a book that's obviously meant to be read (hadn't you heard about the footnotes thing?), and then head over to call the writer a tool? Someone's a tool, in this situation.

I'm not sure. It's hard to read all the way through American Psycho without getting a moral agenda smacked into your head very, very hard.

I'm not sure. It's hard to read all the way through American Psycho without getting a moral agenda smacked into your head very, very hard.

Ludwig, just hush. Everyone knows you can't even hear the music.

Ludwig, just hush. Everyone knows you can't even hear the music.

@avclub-d645f4c2f5aa744907535969db14d48e:disqus So…Peep Show + Spinal Tap, and we're about set for the day.

@avclub-d645f4c2f5aa744907535969db14d48e:disqus So…Peep Show + Spinal Tap, and we're about set for the day.