Black Orpheus

Scary troll belches scary troll music! RAAAAG-NAAAA-ROCK!

Scary troll belches scary troll music! RAAAAG-NAAAA-ROCK!

A legit synopsis. I went to the movie this weekend, and though it was entertaining and fun, most of it seemed like sort of textbook postmodernism: blurring of frame and story, calling narrative conventions into question, etc. It was exciting reading John Barth for the first time in college, but we're in the 21st

A legit synopsis. I went to the movie this weekend, and though it was entertaining and fun, most of it seemed like sort of textbook postmodernism: blurring of frame and story, calling narrative conventions into question, etc. It was exciting reading John Barth for the first time in college, but we're in the 21st

Yikes. Either this got sad real fast, or I'm being set up for some strange, sick punchline. In either case, you seem to be well-read (didn't you intimate in an earlier post that you're an adjunct prof of some sort or another?), and I do think that beneath your Net Persona is probably someone with genuinely interesting

Yikes. Either this got sad real fast, or I'm being set up for some strange, sick punchline. In either case, you seem to be well-read (didn't you intimate in an earlier post that you're an adjunct prof of some sort or another?), and I do think that beneath your Net Persona is probably someone with genuinely interesting

1/2 of the Internet may be about rampant assholery, but the other 1/2 is about simple prurient curiosity. Chalk my question up as the latter.

1/2 of the Internet may be about rampant assholery, but the other 1/2 is about simple prurient curiosity. Chalk my question up as the latter.

Just wondering, @avclub-17fc821acf8201df4d32d05fb05d0d4a:disqus…what writers do you like?

Just wondering, @avclub-17fc821acf8201df4d32d05fb05d0d4a:disqus…what writers do you like?

Heh, heh. "Blows."

Heh, heh. "Blows."

Is Being Human worth watching? The Wiki description sounds promising, but the reviews tell a different story.

Is Being Human worth watching? The Wiki description sounds promising, but the reviews tell a different story.

I'm amazed at the number of negative reviews I've seen of the movie (right now, I think it has only a 61% on the tomatometer). Even though I went in pretty skeptical about what woo-woo philosophizing might come, I left convinced that it was a great movie, just from a storytelling standpoint alone. It seems wrong to me

I'm amazed at the number of negative reviews I've seen of the movie (right now, I think it has only a 61% on the tomatometer). Even though I went in pretty skeptical about what woo-woo philosophizing might come, I left convinced that it was a great movie, just from a storytelling standpoint alone. It seems wrong to me

Red Dragon really tries hard to make the cop/killer connection very explicit, an implication that makes the crimes seem doable by just about anyone. I always found the villiany of the sequels to be too over-the-top. Lecter was perfect in that first book as a foil, but not as too major of a figure.

Red Dragon really tries hard to make the cop/killer connection very explicit, an implication that makes the crimes seem doable by just about anyone. I always found the villiany of the sequels to be too over-the-top. Lecter was perfect in that first book as a foil, but not as too major of a figure.