Black Orpheus

Agreed. It's weird to remember that there are entire horror novels about the evils of abortion out there (see: Peretti's Prophet).

Agreed. It's weird to remember that there are entire horror novels about the evils of abortion out there (see: Peretti's Prophet).

When I was a kid, my conservative parents thought it wise to show me a video by Dave Hunt that claimed all aliens—Strieber's included—were not aliens but in fact demons, literal minions of Satan. This was so terrifying to think about that on long car rides in the cold North Dakota nights I would scan the sky over and

When I was a kid, my conservative parents thought it wise to show me a video by Dave Hunt that claimed all aliens—Strieber's included—were not aliens but in fact demons, literal minions of Satan. This was so terrifying to think about that on long car rides in the cold North Dakota nights I would scan the sky over and

Agreed. American Psycho was the scariest book I'd read for a long time, and now I think that's been replaced by the Joyce Carol Oates book Zombie, based loosely on the Dahmer case. Bateman is intelligent enough that you sometimes question if he's putting you on, but Zombie's Quentin P. has this childlike insistence on

Agreed. American Psycho was the scariest book I'd read for a long time, and now I think that's been replaced by the Joyce Carol Oates book Zombie, based loosely on the Dahmer case. Bateman is intelligent enough that you sometimes question if he's putting you on, but Zombie's Quentin P. has this childlike insistence on

Is that, like, a documented fact, or is it just a scary guess?

Is that, like, a documented fact, or is it just a scary guess?

I already work in the public sector.

I already work in the public sector.

Tagline: Donner, Party of Ten…Nine…Eight…&c, as the weeks progress.

Tagline: Donner, Party of Ten…Nine…Eight…&c, as the weeks progress.

It's Wolfe's weakest novel, IMO, but not bad by any means. If you like the masculinity stuff, I think he did that much better in the Charlie Crocker sections of Man in Full (or, better yet, in the depictions of astronauts in The Right Stuff).

It's Wolfe's weakest novel, IMO, but not bad by any means. If you like the masculinity stuff, I think he did that much better in the Charlie Crocker sections of Man in Full (or, better yet, in the depictions of astronauts in The Right Stuff).

That people seemed eager to jump on this as an actual Tom Wolfe excerpt—despite its not sounding anything like Wolfe or even having any of his prose readymades—shoud give some idea about commentator reliability. I've read almost everything the guy's written, and I'd say that a good 85% of it is worth the trip. Find me

That people seemed eager to jump on this as an actual Tom Wolfe excerpt—despite its not sounding anything like Wolfe or even having any of his prose readymades—shoud give some idea about commentator reliability. I've read almost everything the guy's written, and I'd say that a good 85% of it is worth the trip. Find me

And here I am just surprised that anyone was still interested enough to watch another movie about Truman Capote after Capote. Some people's appetites must be insatiable.

And here I am just surprised that anyone was still interested enough to watch another movie about Truman Capote after Capote. Some people's appetites must be insatiable.

I worked at a juvenile prison for a while, and the local illiterates loved them books.

I worked at a juvenile prison for a while, and the local illiterates loved them books.