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    Jambom: So strange! I wish I could post an image :)

    Man! Where has this show been?

    It was odd. If you can watch it again, it is in the lower panel of the door behind the conspirators round table.

    Subliminal 12
    I haven't watched the whole episode yet or read the comments, so I apologize if this is old news.

    I was wondering that too, it didn't seem so clear to me that it was the Irish. Had they come out in force like that before? I always thought Charming was just a waypoint for them to do business.


    It doesn't seem too ambiguous that Will might be bugged, in the owl or not, since he found actual bugs.

    Heh. I had the same thought. Had I spent to much time staring out the window while the episode was on and missed some owl plot point?

    I don't know enough of Bromell's work to hang that around his neck. Wasn't intended as a judgement on him specifically. It is a problem I see in a lot of writing. The extent of the mystery isn't clear, what is at stake, who the players are, etc. Of course this is a series, so all has yet to be revealed and as I said,

    Here's to hoping.

    Holding out hope
    I have pretty high hopes for Rubicon but it seems to suffer from the 24 problem. The plot points seem to be dumb when they are trying to be the smartest. The conspiracy elements are so convoluted as to be impenetrable and don't have and common thread to follow. It isn't as bad as 24 ("I'm not going to