You have to admit, they really are an industrious people.
You have to admit, they really are an industrious people.
Asia was much nicer.
I know, I need the validation too.
Seattle is getting on board as well.
A border fence you mean.
Now you tell me.
@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus Dreams?
If you are an adult and like grey hounds, yes. A 10 year old who was reared on frozen dinners and generic cola… not so much.
As someone who loves soft drinks (it's one of my worst qualities, I know) I have to say all throwbacks are great. "Natural" soda (like from Whole Foods or the natural section in other stores) also have a tendency to use cane sugar, each be about 200 calories and make your teeth hurt. You don't want to have more than…
I just almost yelled it… now I am the fool.
Quick! Other mash-ups we would like to see:
Cancer. It really does beat all. See you in the Telestial Kingdom Chop-Chop.
Conan FTW.
Sometimes I love you @avclub-457eb7d00feeb81f6d3d5b103e799fa1:disqus
I for one would love to know how a fella could earn those sweet, sweet USD's.
Me! What's her number? My genital warts have just healed up and I am ready to hit the town!