Thank you for not continuing that Daweful meme.
Thank you for not continuing that Daweful meme.
@avclub-de4a08d644135b09bd7e1a592dff156b:disqus That was you? Your face IS actually a pretty good camera for porn shoots. Mostly for soft-core, but it does ok for poop vids too.
The A.V. Club … like Mazzy Star but about 20% worse
*wakes Rickman*
*licks birdshit"
@avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus Might just be the people you attract. You smell like rape.
Yeah, translations always get it wrong.
Exactly. It's not an amazing work of art, but it is an entertaining watch from time to time.
The people from your side of the street, they're all like, "Emilio!" But the people from the other side of the street, they're all like "Emilio!"
I seem to recall a Swedish flag in the background at her father's funeral/wake, I got the feeling that was there to explain her slight accent. Her sister had no accent, don't remember if the mom spoke at all.
And I liked the urine-soaked porn version of Ordinary Peepholes: Ornery Peeholes.
italic text
But what about poor old uncle Cynicism?
Just a rebound.
More like "Yeah!"-ts, amiright brahs!?
Exactly. They're all bringing sexy back to their three kids, malls and dinner. Watch out!
Tina: "I'm sorry."
So correct.
That's-a spicy hot sauce!
I clicked because I am drunk and read it as "Arthur" might get a prequel. I had to see what was going on there.