The Shriners

Answer = Dollars.



LL Cool J = the new Lobsters

He's really more of a Goebbels, in my opinion.

The only personality-litmus test.

Yes, and in the Product-Placement arena/stadium/center.

I don't get the Californians. Is it a parody of an actual "Californians" show (I don't get out much) or are they just mocking Spicoli-eque individuals? Would a skit about "Ontarians" have ham-fisted jokes abut "Eh" and Torono-area traffic in the same bunch as well?

So beautiful. Hello from the future.

Yes. The feminine looking bro there is hot as shit! And as a straight male, that says something!

HBO CEO of Tits, I thought you were better than this…

The White Room makes sense if you were a restless teenager in the early 90's. I knew it made sense to me, then. But a one-two? For a restless teenager? In the early 90's?

Laughing and having a good time while eating Panda Express in a mall food court with a couple of large Target bags under their table.

But it was a "she" and she was touching your penis! Under flourescent lights. With other people walking by. And probably hospital smell.

Ellie Kemper in… The Last N***** On Earth

How can I leave this behind?

'cause sexism.

I'm Nathan Rabin, and I approve this message.

So what you're saying is you're the Oskar Schindler of applications? Pretty strong opinion you got of yourself there, friend. Pretty strong indeed.

Have the Commentariat done a worst to first of Wes Anderson movies yet?