Herb Alpbert, Burt Bacharach and Henri Mancini just wept night and day, babe.
Herb Alpbert, Burt Bacharach and Henri Mancini just wept night and day, babe.
Has Rabin's snark improved over the last 10 years, or has it faded? Or is this the result of a decidedly unfunny time, as mentioned above?
Think you're sittin' there, in your chair, playing God? You're playing dude; as in, dude, seriously? Seriously? Not cool man. You think about that. You think about that. Not cool man.
Me too.
This will help me with the fine ladeez when I get drunk as shit and sing at my local watering hole.
Seems to me I saw him on another talk show after IB came out and he was a little off then, too. Might be a language thing. I got the weird actor vibe from him as well. And he's a foreigner, so, there's that.
Does being from Laurel Canyon entitle you to an A+?
Please flag if already mentioned, but does Bob Uecker = Diamond Joe Biden?
Was it that he did not, in fact, always pay his debts?
Are you being absurdist or Jeff Dunham?
I totally agree with this.
It was actually 'cause of both. Little known fact, most rich assholes are very insecure.
HDB is the poster child for ADD. Have we covered that yet?
Hm. I guess we shouldn't eat the brown acid?
And if it even happened.
Do you like fishsticks?
"Your cousin, Marvin Berry!"
At least according to many doctors I talk to.
Is…. this…. emotion?