
Cool story, brah. I haven't climbed a mountain

Fuck, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, or whatevs it's colonically titled, is better than Meet the Spartans by a bajillion.

I have to go with 12 Monkeys for the win due to higher levels of badassery and good performances.

I identify more with this lazy whistle-pig than with most high-art literary deconstructions of modern man:


yeah i know i had the exact (near it) same thing written earlier.

i can see what you mean, especially with the Robert Ford character. But Jesse had only some inclination to be renowned (more just greedy, unlike his wiser older brother) and his bipolarity, i.e. instant love you, gonna kill you, now i'm gonna cry shifts seem more just straight crazy/violent to me than obsession over

The Assassination of Jesse James
TAOJJBTCRF will go down as the criminally underrated film looked over during all the There Will be Blood and No Country For Old men hooplah.

The Assassination of Jesse James
TAOJJBTCRF will be remembered as the movie that got crapped on during all the There will be blood and no country for old men hooplah.

In case y'all aint fans
here's another vimeo example but with awesome graphics and shiznite:

Peter Sarsgaard
Look, he's a good actor, and possibly an alright guy, but goddamn i want to smack that fucking smug-ass look off his face every time i see him.

Thunderbolt And Lightfoot
Has its flaws ( I still like the bunny shooting scene anyway), but also deserves mention.

No "oops, that soldier with the flag is still alive."
The Simpsons have definitely been dead for a while now.


Hey Miss Murray!
Your gender pronoun usage is balls.

Oh no you di-in't
You can almost hear the veins in Soderbergh's neck burst as Lem rips the sliding scale scene as a Tarantino knock-off.

speaking of mickey rourke bodies…
Is Animal Factory popular enough to be added to the new cult canon?
Because good old punchy-faced Mickey talking about his large and yet superfluous member while in eye makeup is good enough for me.