Did anyone else see God's Not Dead? Share comments?
Did anyone else see God's Not Dead? Share comments?
You repost with the a7x you have, not the a7x you want.
Wow. diabeticBASShero has a youtube channel with 213 a7x videos.
Airplane? What is it?
And it's got Harvey Keitel.
Good thing I watched all of those last weekend.
Pronoun trouble. It's not a movie about his life, it's a movie about his life.
This riff was clearly ripped off an old Queen.
I hope there's some comic relief.
Who? I've never heard of them.
Yes. I've often said "you've probably never heard of them" just because I didn't want to explain the weird stuff I've been listening to.
It's all good. It's R squared.
Right! With the guitarist who was briefly in Jethro Tull.
Milwaukee's Beast
In the NorthWest it's Rainier: "vitamin R."
:: gargles PBR ::
I agree. PBR is refreshing. There's a thin line between a great hoppy IPA and a disgusting IPA. I've spent a lot of money on terrible IPAs. It's nice to buy a reliable and affordable PBR.
Oh. So no one's ever heard of Black Sabbath? Cool.
:: buys a tall PBR for Pixie Solanas ::
Oh. I don't know either of those bands. I'm not "with it."
:: shaves beard in shame ::