hyperbolic paranoid

Did anyone else see God's Not Dead? Share comments?

You repost with the a7x you have, not the a7x you want.

Wow. diabeticBASShero has a youtube channel with 213 a7x videos.

Airplane? What is it?

And it's got Harvey Keitel.

Good thing I watched all of those last weekend.

Pronoun trouble. It's not a movie about his life, it's a movie about his life.

This riff was clearly ripped off an old Queen.

I hope there's some comic relief.

Who? I've never heard of them.

Yes. I've often said "you've probably never heard of them" just because I didn't want to explain the weird stuff I've been listening to.

It's all good. It's R squared.

Right! With the guitarist who was briefly in Jethro Tull.

Milwaukee's Beast

In the NorthWest it's Rainier: "vitamin R."

:: gargles PBR ::

I agree. PBR is refreshing. There's a thin line between a great hoppy IPA and a disgusting IPA. I've spent a lot of money on terrible IPAs. It's nice to buy a reliable and affordable PBR.

Oh. So no one's ever heard of Black Sabbath? Cool.

:: buys a tall PBR for Pixie Solanas ::

Oh. I don't know either of those bands. I'm not "with it."
:: shaves beard in shame ::