Respected Ancestor

It helps to remember that both the military and politicians are not terribly fond of nukes. The tactical use of nuclear weapons makes standard Age of Empires strategy (amass a huge army and destroy the enemy) extremely risky. Politicians hate them because they're accustomed to a bone spur keeping them far from the

Tom Lehrer, on the other hand, will always be relevant.

Annabelle 1 left me plenty of time to wonder why, in a world full of genuinely creepy old dolls, they had to design one that was more butt-ugly than unsettling.

Speaking of cartographers, does this geologist think that this Map of Middle Earth is the result of painstaking satellite mosiacs? Because when I look at it, it looks kind of like something a medieval map maker might scrawl out based entirely on hearsay and pipeweed.

I recently got dragged by my beloved to attend some sort of High Woo Ceremony for denizens of the New Age. All sorts of delightful bullshit was discussed by various hippies somehow even more ancient than myself. Somewhere along the line, somebody mentioned that book…The Secret. The general consensus among the

The important question is, how would one celebrate Trump Day?

Self-driving car technology TODAY. From the mind of Kinja.

You don't understand! Once those dominoes start falling, we'll all end up in thrall to the Godless Soviets.

When you get to be my age, you stop worrying about death and start worrying about the folks who will survive you. So that's one less thing to worry about.

Part of the enjoyment of the show is knowing that you're being fucked with. I get to enjoy that sensation doubly as my partner openly hates the new season but is resigned to watching it because I'm gonna finish it. His groaning discomfort with the sluggish irrelevance of some of the scenes adds a bit of spice. It's

I don't mind young Pink Floyd fans, but they have a tendency to do two terrible, terrible things: 1) Listen to the Floyd only while sober; and, 2) Dismiss the Barrett albums as twee English piffle. That clangorous Bicycle song is more purely psychedelic than the entire Wall album and twice as malevolent.

Hey, where's Motorpsycho?

Yep, that song takes the L.A. "Sunshine Pop" sound somewhere…strange. It sounds like a radio-ready hit and then it doesn't.

Oooh! Do From Noon Till Three next! Modern audiences are ready!

When I watched the original Star Trek as a kid, I thought that Captain Kirk was kind of an asshole. When I watched the show again as an adult, I noticed that the character is actually overwhelmed sometimes with the burden of making life and death decisions for hundreds of crewpeople he'll never meet: In other words, a

Absolutely, but let's consider the other side of the coin: Scaramucci's future job options in the private sector.

Maybe they wanted to sabotage the Republican party by making them all work for an idiot — just like Joe Six-Pack has to do every day of his miserable life?

I'm relieved that we finally have something worthwhile to replace all of that insipid "Rickrolling."

I doubt he has the flexibility to provide his own hand job.

I was given a class assignment to write a letter to President Nixon thanking him for withdrawing the troops from Vietnam. I stayed up all night discussing the issue with my mother. I was concerned about letting the government know that I existed because I was pretty sure they would then draft me for whatever stupid