Respected Ancestor

I can remember being somewhere around Third Grade and watching my delightful summer vacation come to an end. I could tell it was over because the newspapers were full of ads that said, DURR BAK TO SKOOL SALE!!

Yep, this is the usual Right-Wing Goalpost Move followed by much discussion in the "Liberal" Media. Instead of talking about why our military costs so damn much, and what exactly is its mission in Afghanistan and the Middle East anyway, and why is military service often the only viable job opportunity available for

This is what the culture of Political Correctness has brought us: An angry rock star that says things like, "The president of the United States is a complete fucking moron." I remember a time, not so long ago, when angry musicians wrote entire operas about what they wanted to do with Reagan's corpse. A sad state of

Actually, I find myself coming around to Trump's way of thinking. We should remove ALL of the "burdensome" types from our military and replace them with wealthy white folks. Victory in Afghanistan could be ours! Or maybe not. It's going to take an awful lot of the best people to know for sure.


On the other hand, it's been decades since I went into a music shop and got sneered at for showing interest in the synthesizers. I remember a shop where they had Emax Samplers stacked against the wall like cordwood. The clerk said, "what're you gonna do with that?" as I approached the pile.

I've got a Junko album for that purpose.

I really like Mary Margaret O'Hara, so clearly that would have been too bizarre a choice here.

All right, I didn't really expect to find Lene Lovich, Danielle Dax or Amy Denio in here. This list ranges widely enough for me to say well done. Big ups for ESG. Fewer Madonna albums would help and Najma's debut album is better than Ofra Haza's.

Generally, when you cast for a reality show, you look for personalities that will bring pointless conflict and ego-based grudge matches. Then, you put the "star" in over their head and stress the living shit out of them. It creates an entertaining atmosphere of controlled chaos that everyone can enjoy.

It's hard to care what happens to the movie Valerian when somebody goes to the trouble to translate and reprint the original comics in a swank hardcover! Sold!

You'll need a classic SNES controller to experience Nintendonitis for yourself.

I was just walking through the swanky end of town when I encountered a family van with a "BRUNCHER" vanity plate. I nearly blunched right there on the sidewalk.

Would you say that your experience is common among your fellow government workers at the regional, state and federal levels?

Really? What if Trump's next tweet says "Your vagus implodes, as nausea strikes, savaging your body in terminal retch. Violent spasms and decaying enzymes engulf your throat as you belch. Intestinal disturbance, your ileum turns inside-out. Your duodenum is thrust up towards your mouth. Your pancreas excretes stale

Because it's impossible to cut taxes on the rich while paying for government workers' swank health care plans that go up 100% in cost every ten years. Just the health care expense of keeping John McCain alive could devour the capital gains of the Trump family in minutes!

These jolly little quips actually make more sense if you just replace all the pictures with one of Dennis Hopper molesting Isabella Rossellini.

Audio tech is always a decade or two ahead of the visual tech.

I fear you are underestimating the impact that a sudden withdrawal of internet pornography would cause. You think the four-color underwear ads in the Sunday paper are going to pick up the slack? This way lies madness.

The shock of that record playing aloud in the 1980s is a difficult thing to replicate nowadays. It blew my mind then and it still sounds pretty otherworldly today. "Survive the Gesture" ain't half bad either.