Respected Ancestor

Unlike most "So Bad, It's Good" movies, The Room does not have a sluggish pace. It moves briskly from one crazed dimension to another.

I'm going to post right here because you mentioned Camberwell Now. Tape Switchboard > Digital Sampler. Anyway…

If Obama had been as big a Black Guy Stereotype as Trump is a White Guy Stereotype, we'd all be recovering from eight years of President Dolemite and his ineffectual, but chaos-inducing, "Git Whitey" platform.

This story sounds awful, but I don't hate Furries. The folks who scorn Furries are mostly a bunch of humorless, pearl-clutching, "What about the children?" fun-haters who are skittish and paranoid around theme park mascots. Fur-Panic, they calls it.

This seems childish, but you didn't see what he did on the flight to France: He dumped all of his Cheez-its into a barf bag and then pulled them out with his bare feet and ate them from between his toes. He's surprisingly flexible.

I have the pessimism of the aged, so I knew this Trump fellow was going to be trouble from the start. What has changed is my opinion of the Office of the President of the United States. I figured that after George W. Bush, we had all learned — ALL of us — that it actually mattered who was President. When Bush's two

Sure. And I turbo-beg people to take a shower before I start my job. It's unlikely to happen, but it would make my work a whole lot easier. Plus we all have a little laugh. What do you have against a little laugh?

Rule One: Don't go to Fisherman's Wharf. Rule Two: If you must go to Fisherman's Wharf, check out the Hyde Street Pier, The Musee Mechanique, and then have lunch or dinner at Scoma's. You're done! At least you didn't spend any time in the Financial District, a place so boring they named it the Financial District.

How to Explain Net Neutrality to Ancient Fucking Republicans:

A while back, I ended up with a dvd that collected episodes of "The Les Paul Show." If you have any taste, that sounds like a fun watch, right? But then you run into the other thing about ancient TV commercials — they would repeat them multiple times during the same show. And when you tuned in next week, those same

There's something even more fantastically inept about a Republican campaign that feels that they need dodgy Russian contacts to get "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. Hasn't the last 30 years of Republican rule been an info dump of "dirt" on HIllary Clinton?

Part of the problem is that "Teen Movies" generally put high school in a central position to the setting and plot. Imagine if every movie about adults revolved around their office job and you see the problem with this self-imposed limitation.

As a senior citizen, everything offends me and nobody gives a shit.

I get it. Every time I've ever been near a TV newsroom, it's all I can do to keep from thrusting both of my hands beneath my belt and relishing the surprise of whatever's going on down there this week. Gott im himmel! I am aroused!

I know that these internet companies are full of geniuses, but how do you go out of business selling music on the internet? Everybody wants music, smart guys!

An unedited version? You think that's gonna save Poland? Poland knows what it did.

Decades ago, I saw the band Fear in a small all-ages club. If you listened to their record, you knew that Fear was basically about drinking, insulting women and gay people, with an occasional thumbs-up for nuclear-based destruction. It was extraordinarily difficult to take them seriously as anything other than

Has Lindsay learned nothing from the tragic story of Sammy Davis Jr.? Here he is embracing Nixon. Cute, right? Now, here he is palling around with Anton LaVey. This is American Fame 101, Ms. Lohan. Ask yourself, where is Sammy Davis now?

Has he lost any big money running traditionally robust business ventures? A few bankruptcies, a few sexual harassment lawsuits, a face that exerts a powerful pull on your clenched fist. You know where he's gonna take this.

Eh. It's no "D.O.A." but it does have Bernard Herrmann going for it.