Respected Ancestor

The funhouse of mirrors was located in San Francisco's "Playland by the Beach." It's just a decrepit box of condos now (each individually worth a cool million). Because I am so goddam ancient, I have actually frolicked in the very mirror maze depicted in that film. That was a great amusement park until the debased

I just had to make a sad pilgrimage to my grandfather's grave.

"We're putting Country Bear Jamboree back to work."

I think you're getting that ride confused with Splash Mountain.

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride: The only ride in Disneyland where you die in a fiery explosion and go to Hell. 10 Stars.

I totally get why Trump is obsessed with the press. After all, what better example of unfettered free market capitalism can you find than the good 'ol Fourth Estate?

Conservatives look at the late 1960s as some sort of aberrant flashpoint that came out of nowhere, rather than a huge mass of people finally getting fed up with the stupid you mentioned. There's so much conservative stupidity nowadays that I fear that we may be revisited by their ancient, intellectually superior

Out of all the politicians who came from the underground and actually made it in the mainstream, Devos is the most subversive and challenging of all.

Yeah I think of the Weatherpeople — the terrorist organization that would call up their target and say, "we planted a bomb in your building, for your safety please evacuate." Then they blew themselves up. Fear the Leftists!

Nationwide Mulford Act.

It's already been posited by the conspiracy-minded that this ad is in fact targeting liberals. I can kind of see that.

King Crimson: They actually rocked, they actually were pretty "progressive," you can hear their influence in contemporary rock music, and they sold a lot of records. Not many other Prog Rock bands from the "golden age" can tick all those boxes. Whatever their deal was, it certainly worked out over the long haul.

Much of the destruction of Real Good-ol' Small Town Real America is directly traceable to the Reagan years. Both parties are to blame, but Reagan made all the suffering seem worthwhile with folksy jingoism. So, yeah, the most influential president of the last 50 years, easily.

Please people, let's not sink to mocking this man for looking like a king rat of discarded prophylactics. Can't we all just agree to loathe him for his rat-shaped-hole of a personality? Remember: When they give us rat-based metaphors, we go high.

If we apply "Trump's Razor" (i.e., the stupidest explanation is probably correct) I'd say he got taken. Again.

Back in the 80s, I remember getting a phone call from my mother telling me to NOT go see "Blue Velvet." She heard that it had horrible, violent and disturbing scenes in it and she didn't want me putting that crap in my brain. Needless to say, I ignored her warning.

A Surrealist does not apologize!

I think he just likes to make things hot for people.

Aw crap. I hereby apologize on a stack of Flying Nun LPs and the complete discography of Split Enz. Typical: I can name about four good New Zealand bands for every good Australian one. Let us never speak of one-hit wonders again.

Hey! Australian Charts Matter!