Respected Ancestor

I have an enduring soft spot for "Computer Games" by Mi-Sex. They were an Australian pop band of no particular note. This song doesn't even sound like them, which makes it a perfect one-hit wonder. It's got a cheap Moroder vibe (not unlike "Heart of Glass") with a stupid simple guitar hook. Enjoy.

I just want him to do one of his self-congratulatory campaign speeches at the University of California in Berkeley.

In my day a young man who died prematurely due to ruthless capitalism might end up in a can of meat. We had a sense of purpose then.

I've seen "Pandamonium" and I had no idea that Ulysses S. Grant was so progressive. Or something.

Remember Bush Derangement Syndrome and how we couldn't shut up about that guy after he left office?

Coal miners think they got it bad? What about the logging industry? They get shut down and they still have to look at all those goddam trees they haven't yet cut down! They have to look at those trees and cry about hippies hugging spotted owls, or some such, and never train for another line of work again. It breaks my

I have it on good authority that Bob Murray's hot tub is solar heated. That's where you'll find him snorting cocaine off of Michael Moore's backside. Also, Bob Murray is the 64th gender.

Period drumming styles matter. In the late sixties, the prevailing style was "hyperactive Jazz drummer mounting a criticism of Surf music." Drummers that allowed silence to creep in between their cymbal bashing were pretty rare. Ringo may not have been the greatest drummer of the period, but he was very modern. I get

Hipster answer? Ha!

To my ears, Pet Sounds falls off a cliff of lugubrious schmaltz the moment the first track ends. Don't cry, put your head on my shoulder. There there.

I remember one critic complaining about the preponderance of "large vagina jokes, followed by a monster that was essentially vagina dentata." In this way you can see that neither the culture of Hollywood nor its critics have changed much in the intervening years.

Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that this violent act was committed by a gun-toting liberal Democrat?? Are you sure he didn't just shout "Racist!" at everyone and then wave a cheap cardboard sign around? My entire understanding of the world is crumbling here.

I remember the first time I got to take an actual whole month off from my dumb ass day job. I was between assignments and I had a little savings, so I thought "what the hell, let's take a break."

I have a very special hatred for a movie that wastes Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of HIll House, and Lili Taylor. That remake is the textbook definition of "unnecessary use of garish CGI." Heightened by the fact that the original, actually scary, movie got all of its biggest scares from off-screen noises.

"The good thing about Trump getting elected is that he'll be so terrible
that the people will revolt and we'll have a real revolution!"

I'm no fan of communism, due to its ridiculous championing of pointless day jobs, but right-wingers constantly tell us that communism leads to murderous failed states. Usually, some defensive commie egghead will say something along the lines of, "well, gee, no true Scotsman has ever created a truly Scottish State!"

I kept hearing the theme from "The Manhattan Hillbillies."

I asked my beloved partner, who is Hawaiian, "what's the deal with Hawaiian Pizza?" He refrained from giving me a "nice Hawaiian Punch" and explained that the term "Haole" means "without breath," i.e., dead.

He was the candidate that plain folks would most like to have a beer with.

I never thought I would see the day where I would miss the jargon-heavy corporate sprog-speak of the 1980s. Thanks for that, Uber. Way to disrupt a perfectly serviceable erection.