
Yes I agree. So do you think Frank liked Kevin?


Well maybe if they hadn't kept the same show runner for the last 13 or so season someone could breathe some life into this dead husk of a show!

So do you think Joel and Mike like each other?

Maybe they'll both be on the new season!

King Karl…RIP

Why are you comparing the voters to a bitch???

Well, whatever contributes to the ultimate demise of Sony!

Idk anything about most of the new cast! Except Patton Oswalt of course.

Well on a more serious note I hope it ends up being good!

I don't remember Crow saying that…

His whole campaign is just him proving to NBC he can get ratings they can't possibly pass up so they'll give him a new show

He's the thinking mans working mans musician.

Haha! Love that classic Dickachu sarcasm. Keep up the great work!

Probable isn't confirmed, and as far as we know Trump is an act to boost ratings and get back his show at NBC. Still, he's a piece of shit and can't be president.

Good to see all my favorite artists denouncing Trump, while simultaneously NOT endorsing the very, very, VERY conservative Hilary. But, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

Plastic Beach is maybe my favorite! I certainly like it better than their first one and The Fall…

Yknow it's strange but more often than not AV Club comments actually RESTORE my faith in humanity. Thanks for injecting some rational humanism into my day.

Ah but John Smith is so borriiiing.

Shit, now I'm gonna watch that instead of doing my essay just to know how to pronounce it.