
as greenlit by Jack Donaghy?

You're joking, right?

Back to the Future II is great. Don't let no man tell you diff'rent.

it's not really THAT BAD, its just that Ghostbusters is like a 5 star movie, while Ghostbusters II is like a 3 star movie.


I love Townes. His lyrics are always devastating.

Isn't every episode a flashback?

Rip Torn

Dan Harmon was looking for writers, you know…

…and David Cross as Pierce Hawthorne

Oh no doubt. I always like how old movies did that without the censors seeing it. Pretty artfully done.

I think Casablanca could have easily skirted decency laws, just by changing the script a little bit so that Isla wasn't really married to Lazlo. That aside, I have always thought that the end of that movie is the saddest thing.

Well, sometimes he can certainly be pandery, and his movies can slowly get dumber as they go on. Take the second Indiana Jones. That movie should have ended 20 minutes before it did. Some with Tintin. That crane fight at the end was too much. But that is still a long way from hate. He's just kinda dumb sometimes.

Thank you, Blockbuster, for ruining the only job I ever wanted to have as a college student; working at a video store. Now I guess I'll just have to work at a musi—oh, wait.

I'm confused. Did this come out in 1993 or not?

So, basically, Every animated movie that came out this year.

Is it jut me, or is remembering the 90s starting to leave a bad taste in your mouth?

I know several.

I'm still waiting for them to announce a Chevy Chase guest appearance.

I think the Simpsons needs a new showrunner.