if the username is clever some

is there a downside to being this FAAABULOUS?

good luck with that, her father's a cop.

ugh, this season…
so fucking awful. I'd rather watch Vampire Diaries with my teenaged niece and her idiot friends than season 4 of this crap. At least that show kills off it's most useless characters, and has far better cliffhangers. At this point I want every character on the show except Pam and Jessica to get buried

good times
this season's been pretty great, especially compared to how lackluster the first was. Though the lack of interest on here suggests it will never happen, I'd love to see USoT and Nurse Jackie covered as block…Nurse Jackie's been pretty awesome recently too. Both shows have found their "bad mommy" niches in

I was there, it was her, everyone was abuzz about it. she must have been very mediocre for them not to put her through, we sort of assumed she'd go right to the judges.

loving all the negative reviews
I hated this book. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated, hated this book. Why a trite, cloying crapfest.

adam goldberg
I would like to have the sex with him.

You're only making the internship seem more exciting. Chained to a radiator and beaten by Nabin? Why, that's a wonderful way to learn about entertainment journalism!


I've had this friggin' book on hold for eternity
why does the LA public library live in a house of lies?

that article
what the shit was that? I'm scarred for life now.

speaking of subway, I was hoping Murray would be trying the new "chicken salad." I hate chicken salad and subway, and yet I am fascinated by this new sandwich.

you're coming to LA?
nice. stop by langer's.